Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve!

So to try to reach 200 posts by the new year I have decided to put Christmas Eve in one post and Christmas Day in another one...Diabolical isn't it? So yeah every year we go to my great grandpa Peterson's house so we did that. My favorite 2nd cousin Mallory was there and we had a blast just hanging out. Plus I got to see Jellie and that was exciting cause I don't see her that often (sometimes :) and so yeah. We carried on all of our traditions like eating so much food you think you will pass out, and we all sing while my Great Uncle Mark plays the ukelele (that is so weird cause Mallory is my age but her dad is my GREAT uncle weird to think that we are a generation apart) but anywhoo on with the story. We drew pictures for the 12 days of Christmas like we always do and I was 8 Maids A Milking and so I got to draw a cow! YEAH! I don't really know what else to say so I guess I will post more in a minute. NO Wait Hold the Phone and see these pictures with my facsinating bow that came off my pajamas. Which is also a tradition to get new pajamas. Oh and bye the way we have like a foot of snow. I'll take a picture of that too. The picure is taken in my downstairs window well

...yeah Charlie wasn't so happy when Mom was trying to take the picture Merry Christmas!