Saturday, December 13, 2008


So one of my best friends named Amy might be moving to West Valley this weekend :( Or she might move next weekend but anyway it is still sad. Well last night I had a dream that had her in it so I will write it down cause it felt real!:

So me and Amy and my friend Jennifer were all in a car that belonged to my neighbor/YW teacher and apparently we were going to a wedding but I think I woke up too soon. It was a really far away. On the way there we saw this bright pink car and it had pictures of clothes on it that had price tags that were really expensive and Amy turns to me and says I will give you all my clothes in this bag if you call your mom and ask her to let you go see a movie with us. So I did and we planned to go see Twilight after the anonymous wedding. Also on the way there we saw this silver Volvo that said Bride photos. and all of us decided that's what we wanted to do was take pictures of wedding dresses. So yeah I don't remember what else happened. so I will just list some other random stuff that I have forgotten to post.

* So when you tell Charlie good things about him like (Your'e so cute!) then he smiles..more evidence that my brother is the smartest baby in the world. Oh yeah and the other day my mom called him a beast cause he wouldn't sleep and he stuck his bottom lip out and then started to was so sad!
* It is snowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Me and my friend Lindsay went to her house during a school dance that we were like the only ones that didn't go and here are my reasons for not going cause everyone thought I was crazy when I didn't go..1. I get stressed out over something like that, for some weird reason 2.I probably had more fun hanging out with Lindsey 3. All my 8th grade carpool buddies said it was lame the last year 4. I didn't know what to expect but I will talk to my friends and probably go next year.
* In our food drive we were supposed to earn 10,000 dollars in order for the whole school to go to this fun assembly where the teachers do weird things. Well we only earned 9,000 so that means that only the top 10 classes could go and Mrs. Allen's class was #10! Yeah!

See you later chaps!


Anonymous said...

thanks for including me in this blog post caz u know i rock! Luv ya