Monday, February 22, 2010


First of all let me just get the stake dance out of the way and possibly there will be pictures sometime else...
*We had a great time!
*I danced with a nerdy 9th grader named Mike who was really nice but it was mostly just to have Sharpie stop calling me a chicken cause he danced with 2 girls.
*Katie Lindsey and Sara came over to my house early to get ready
*Me and Linds coulnd't decide what to wear and she ended up wearing my shirt and shoes and I wore her dress...Hey! What are best friends for?
*Sharpie's guy friends didn't really show up so we all just mostly hung out (You should've seen him dancing to Single Ladies!)
*That's basically it so I will move on

If you remember Lindsey's birthday was on February we decided to kidnap her for a surprise kind of like Jennifer did for me
*First we planned it out and didn't tell Lindsey and only told her mother
*Then after driving Linds insane about it for a week we finally went to go get her
*We dressed in huge sunglasses and jackets and drove in a van
*Then we ran into her house and blindfolded her
*We took her to Katie's house where we ate pizza
*But what she didn't know was that it was a sleepover!
*We stayed up till 4:00 am and probably would've stayed up later if Katie's mom didn't tell us to go to sleep.
*Me and Lindsey got REALLY hyper! So we were dancing to Sara's ipod and wore BYU hats (I will have pictures in a later post)
*The next day we had Katie's mom's DELICIOUS chocolate chocolate chip waffles
*Then we blindfolded her again and drove her to the district
*Me & Sara accidently said the movie theatre so she knew where we were going but she didn't know what movie we were going to watch
*Me and Katie walked over and bought tickets for WHEN IN ROME
*We walked in with HUGE bags of skittles and starbursts in our purses and propped our feet up on the chairs in front of us (we were in the corner and there weren't any people on our aisle)
*We all loved it and want to buy it so if you haven't seen it WHADDYA WAITIN FOR? it's hilarious!!

My uncle Jamey got sent to Afghanistan? to help in the war until Octoberish :( We all miss him a lot but please pray for him and my aunt Jill and her kids

after school me, Sharpie, and Jennifer always wait for each other by the wall that has me & jennifer's lockers. We were all over there when she told us that she needed to walk to the french class to check her grades. So we were all in there (Me & Sharpie were looking for our french posters) when Mr. Loughary turns to us and asks...Claire-Michele! Is this your boyfriend? So I said no! this is my boy dot dot dot friend! So Loughary turns to Sharpie and says Jean ValJean do you have a girlfriend? He says no and Loughary says in some accent "well you can ask her today!" Haha it was so funny! Also On Thursday me and Katie planned to walk home from school that's pretty much an equal distance in between ours and Sharpie's houses. After talking to the kid for 15 minutes after school Katie decided we should walk him to the front of the school. Then we just decided to walk him to his house and walk home. :) It was a really fun random walk. Then Sharpie said "well this is where I turn." and hopped a fence. Katie started freaking out & yells "YOU JUST CAN'T HOP SOMEONES FENCE!" then relizes that's his house when he yells back "WANNA MEET MY DOG?!" and brings over Tantoe (yep we're all aware it means stupid in spanish) Then me and Katie walked home YAY!
Gabe is going back to his normal nice friendly Gabe self so he stole Jennifer's ribbon (long story) from her locker and stuck half of it in his back pocket and was like "these are my peacock feathers" then he kept saying "HANNAH! HANNAH! LOOOK AT MY FEATHERS!" so I did and he's like "GEEZ HANNAH! STOP STARING AT MY BUTT! oh Gabe!

Today is acutally another stake dance tonight so I will post this week PROMISE! I'm excited because Derek and Gabe are coming! But Sharpie isn't because he has a birthday party for one of his friends (I know..LAME!)


This is pretty..but modest is hottest!
This is actually one of my favorite shows!

I have socks like these!

Ok I think I'm done for now! GOOD BYE!
P.S. Keep reading it never fails to cheer me up!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Names...

Ya I know I haven't posted about the stake will happen sometime. Tomorrow we are kidnapping Lindsey for her birthday so more about that later to. This has to be fast so I will just tell you the friends and their new nicknames...
Mckay-Sharpie or as Jesse calls him...Doug
So basically I have to go now so bye! Vote for Tim Urban on American Idol (He's SMOKIN HOT AND SINGS GOOD!)

is it just me or is he smokin hot?!?!

Tim Urban - Season 9 Contestants

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day! From me and all my other French speaking Pals!

So we made Valentine's cards in French class today! It was sooo much fun because using a paper of Valentine's words in French we had to write a message on it and give it to someone. Here is mine for Jennifer:
Cherie Isabelle Marie
Je suis tombee amoureuxse de toi
Veux-tu m'epouser?
Je t'offre des bijoux.
Tu es mon choux et ma puce
Je t'embrasse
This can all be translated to:
Dear Jennifer
I have fallen in love with you
Will you marry me?
I offer jewelry
You are my sweetie (literal translation:my cabbage)
and my honey (literal translation: my flea)
XOXO (literally I embrace you)
Here is Sharpies that he plans on giving to John Running :) Haha just kidding!
Chere Cherie
Je t'aime
Tu es mon choux
Tu es ma puce
XOXO du fond de mon coeur
Jean Valjean
Or translated to...
Dear Sweetheart
I love you
You are my sweetie (cabbage)
You are my honey (flea)
Literally I embrace you From the bottom of my heart
Sharpie Mckay Howerd Allan Arizona Sharp Knife
So there you go! Hope these were entertaining!
Here's some more French words:
Donne-moi un bisou-Give me a kiss
Non! Laisse-moi tranquille!-Leave me alone!
Vas t'en de moi!-Go away!
Je t'offre-I offer you..
un cadeau-a gift
des fleurs-flowers
des bonbons-candy
des chocolats-chocolate
un petit ami-boyfriend :)
un petite amie-girlfriend
un ami-guy friend
une amie-girlie friend

Oh and you know that whole pulling off flower petals to see if a guy likes you? Well in France you have a better chance...Here's the poem.
Il (Elle) m'aime...un peu...beacoup...passionnement...a la folie...pas de tout!
Which means
He (or she) loves me...a little...a lot...passionately...madly...not at all!

So guys use this french knowledge to impress the girls and girls pass it on to guys and have a great valentine's day/SINGLE AWARENESS DAY! which I am celebrating! Plus wait till Sunday or Monday when I can blog about going to my first stake dance! WOOHOO! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! SEE YA!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day...From Gabe

So today when I was in line for lunch Gabe passed, so I punched him on the shoulder and he smoothley turned around and pulled the following note out of his shirt pocket for me...
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I like Hippos
But I don't like you
Don't be my valentine!
I laughed so hard when I read this because it's SOOO Gabe and it was just random. He looked at me like I was nuts though and was like "your'e not supposed to laugh when reading hate mail!" It was sooo funny!
Today for Stretch me and Sharpie and Chelsie went to watch the Monsterquest:Wolfmen movie and it was so unintentionally funny! Like when they were witnessing them down at the creek and this guy goes "Let's get out of here" in this cheesy scared voice and the girl that was telling the story was like "we were running so fast" and they were just prancing out of there. So when the bell rang and me and Sharpie left we looked at each other and said let's get out of here! and pranced down the main hallway! Plus this other guy was witnessing and he was like "I was hunting when I saw this creature. At first I thought it was a guy dressed in a gorilla suit" Ya that's smart! Lets run out in the middle of hunting season dressed as a gorilla! :) And lastly they were testing this hair this lady found from this "beast" on her roof. The test results were...Domestic Cat OH NO! A BEAST!
Yesterday was the Super Bowl...was rooting for the Colts but didn'nt really care. I ate tons of crap and laughed so hard during the commercials...I liked the Doritos, beer and eTrade commercials best..Look them up and I'll go into depth tomorrow cause I have to eat dinner...See ya!

Friday, February 5, 2010


if I were a day of the week, I'd be FRIDAY!
if I were a time of day, I'd be 6 PM
if I were a direction, I'd be NORTH
if I were a tree, I'd be a CHRISTMAS TREE
if I were a tool, I'd be a CHAINSAW! OR MACHETE!
if I were a flower I'd be an TULIP
if I were a musical instrument I'd be a PIANO
if I were a color, I'd be PINK
if I were a fruit, I'd be PINEAPPLE
if I were an element, I'd be FIRE! ;)
if I were a food, I'd be CHOCOLATE
if I were a place, I'd be COLORADO
if I were a material, I'd be PLAID
if I were a scent, I'd be VANILLA
if I were a song I'd be ONE OF MY FAVORITES

Monday, February 1, 2010

Gotta make this fast but...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSEY I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH AND HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT YEAR! (all these pictures are from our sleepover the other day) Love ya Linds!
P.S. the last picture was Lindsey offering us an ice cream bar but relized she only had one so she grabbed a butcher knife and started hacking it apart so we could share (Just one of the reasons I love her do death and we're best friends) :D see ya later!