Saturday, May 31, 2008

1:00 am.. heh we can do better

So most of you are probably confused by the title of this post but it is about the time we went to bed yesterday at our sleepover, we had a lot of fun and we played Guitar Hero for awhile which I was not good at at all. I was determined to beat the song Barracuda but I kept getting kicked off the stage at the same spot so Katie helped me past that part. But I am not defeated I did a Killers song next and I made it all the way without dying or having Katie help me, we also made people in Katie's magazine look "pretty" with Sharpie marker, now I wish I took pictures, well just imagine a bunch of people with mustaches and a ton of eyeliner and you can see the picture.

Friday, May 30, 2008

This is very annoying

I feel like I need to write something but I really have nothing exciting or random to put on my blog so I will try to do something cooler this week which most likely won't be hard since I am having a sleepover with my friend Katie tonight! Yay!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Mysterious Ticking Noise

Go down to the bottom of my blog and go above American Idol and watch the Mysterious ticking noise it is so funny, beware though, it sticks to the inside of your head like glue.

Monday, May 26, 2008

K so this was like a month ago..

Sorry I keep forgetting to get the pics of when my twin sis was up but now here they are:

The 1st one is some of the family at the Kennecott Copper Mine, the next is a picture of my wonderful twin sis, The 3rd one is me taking a picture of myself back when my hair was longer (see the resemblance.. huh didn't think so) the last one is my sisters and cousins sliding down the stairs on my grandpa's back right after Jojo left, we had a blast. The last one is of me, isters, and cousins at Thanksgiving Point Gardens where I said that the bears name was Charlie and he was biting my finger (acording to my aunt Jill's blog I am a dufus, oh well maybe I am but I am PROUD OF IT!)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Funny stuff-I am bored

Harry Potter

Sidebar Junkie

Ok now the bottom of my blog is not only David Archuleta but American Idol, you should watch You are my brother, that guy strongly reminds me of a very odd boy in my class. I have the songs that I told you about in the earlier post, and got rid of some other stuff.

Change of a heart

So today I have not been able to stop listening to David Archuleta's "In this Moment" and dare I say it David Cook's "Dream Big" and his winning song, "the time of my life,"plus he is really sweet in that song when he had David Archuleta come on and he put his arm around him. I know I am shocked too you totally wouldn't expect that from me.. but I really like them but those are the only 2 songs I like. I would put all 3 on my playlist if I could remember my password which is one of the reasons so many of my songs aren't working is because I can't fix them yet. But the main purpose of this post is that I CUT MY HAIR! The really sad thing is I don't like it, it looked really cute in the picture, not so cute on my head although every adult that sees it likes it. I asked my friends and they tried to break it easy to me, but they don't like it either really. I think it is too short, it is in a bob. Well anyway David Cook has wormed his little way into my MP3 player list when I finally get around to putting more songs on it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


HOW COULD DAVID ARCHULETA LOSE TO A HOBO! If it was voting on the singing and everything else (including cuteness) David Archuelta should have totally kicked David Garbage-disposal throat in the butt! I am very heartbroken and my twin sis is too... she called me right when they announced the winner and I knew it was her before I even looked at the I.D. she refuses like me to ever by anything of DGDT. I really hope that this is one of those times where the runner-up is more famous than the winner and that David Archuleta will get more CD's sold. Cross your fingers, since you obviously didn't do that before. I have to go to school right now but I'll most likely post this afternoon it has been awhile.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Zoo

I know that you know these are from the last time I went to the zoo but we haven't put any pictures of yesterday on my computer yet. But I decided to put pics because of the following reasons: 1: There is a picture of me and my twin sis. (I was really tempted to put one of us twins being giraffes but it has already been on here twice.) 2. Because the white aligator STILL looks fake, except my mom swears that she saw it blink. Also yesterday my sister Kathryn was watching Sesame Street and you want to know the weirdest thing it was the funniest part of my day except for I kicked my Dad in the butt so he was chasing me around and so I hid in a corner where my couches intersect so he tried to pull me out but my butt got stuck in between the space between them IT WAS SO FUNNY if you don't think it was funny you should have been there to see it but anyway back to S. Street, so it's Baby Bear and Telly and they hear a motorcycle noise and Baby Bear says "That sounds like a motorcycle," but Telly has to get his two-cents in and says "NO, that sound like a herd of lactose-intolerent antelope that just ate cottage cheese!" That was the funniest part of my day so whenever I saw antelope (at least I think they were antelope) I asked them if they were lactose-intolerant. Well I got to go. BYE!

Friday, May 16, 2008

I could be a master songwriter

So yesterday I went with my cousins to the park, and I got kind of bored, so I made up a song to the tune C is for Cookie.. You know the one from Seaseme street so I made one about David Archuelta, F.Y.I I know I just say David but Archuleta doesn't really work here it is the song that is going to make millions on iTunes:

D is for David
that's very very hot
D is for David
that's very very hot
D is for David
that's very very hot
Oh David David David
is very hot!

I told my aunt and she was like "Yeah that song has about 8 different words in it" and so I replied "I know that is the genious of the song, I don't have much room so each and every word MATTERS! Like the keywords of the song: David, Very, Hot! Please vote for David so when he wins I can go to his concert and sing that song (JK I am not that pyschotic!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I am really bored

So I am just doing a lot of personality quizzes for fun here are some of my things:
What Kind of Easter Candy are you?

Which baby animal are you?


Ok so this isn't all this post is about, but anyway for those who don't know David Archuelta made it to the finale! MY cousin Colby and I did a GIANT celebration dance. I have also made my young 5 year old cousin a promise that when David A's CD comes out, I will buy it and then when Colby comes over we will rock out to it. I really hope that David beats David "Garbage-Disposal Throat" Cook. But anyway, yesterday it was my choir performance and my mom had to go to the school so me and my sister's tagged along and when the bell rang, I was over at my BFF Kayli's portable and a few days ago I asked her if Mr. Welcker was sad I was gone, or if he was having a Hannah's off-track party. She told me he was having a party so we went to go talk to him. We were just joking around and he said "we really are having a party on Friday because Gabe got 100% on his spelling test." F.Y.I. Gabe NEVER gets 100 so Mr. Welcker said that when he did we could have a party, so that makes me mad that he has to wait untill I'm off-track to get it. Mr. Welcker also said "Hey I saw you at the choir performance, you stood out like a sore thumb," just joking around. So I replied and said "Oh I wasn't the only one that noticed that I totally broke a note on the last song." He said "I didn't even notice that but now I know... "YOUR'E A NOTE-BREAKER! really loud, and it was really funny. I guess I am kind of excited I am going back on track because I will most likely miss Mr.Welcker in 7th grade. VOTE FOR DAVID ARCHULETA, SO HE CAN BEAT COOK PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What.. This thing lies

Ha, this is kind of weird because I never read the news-unless there is something about David Archuelta, anyway I am really bored right now. I signed up for school choir this year thinking it would be really fun and exciting like last year, but the songs are really lame and cheesie. For example: Spongebob Squarepants (no lie, and we sound depressed because they don't let us sing it fast enough) and a bunch of other "fun silly songs" in choir teacher language. Tomorrow is the school performance, and I am totally thinking about skipping it so I don't be called "Cheesy choir member" for the rest of my school career. However there is a GIANT bribe to sign up for choir called Doughnut and Chocolate Milk Breakfast that they have every year which makes up for the songs and for waking up to go to scholl at 7:45 and running 5 minutes late each and every time. So, anyway go see my Twilight blog if you are a Twilight fan, it won't be updated as much as this one but I will see what I can do. BYE

Monday, May 12, 2008

Changed my mind

I ended up making a blog for Twilight just because blogs are so fun to make the URL is, WARNING only go there if you have read the books or you might run the risk of having the book spoiled.


I have not written in my blog for 2 whole days (I think that is a world record) but I have just been waiting for something AMAZING to happen although my twin sister came up about a week ago I have not posted about it because I need to go to my grandma's and get some pics from her computer, and have my aunt Jill figure out how to put this video of my grandpa sliding down the stairs on our blogs.. I think I have figured out about the Twilight blog I mentioned I might start that if I put one more thing about Twilight here there will be an automatic Twilight blog to spare all of you that are pretty much sick of hearing about it. Well anyway today I went to the Children's Museum with my couisins.. it was pretty fun I guess I mostly just hung out in the town and organized everything that was just slightly chaotic. We also bummed around the Gateway and ate greasy gross McDonald's food. (No offense to McDonald's lovers) the food court at the Gateway was a failure though... No hot guys to be found. Well I have to go to bed so GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I am Alice

Ok so yesterday I was being a dork as usual and so me and my sisters are all people from Twilight they are split into 3 groups VAMPIRE, HUMAN , and dare I say it huh... WEREWOLF yes I know that word gives you chills too so anyway I represent the vampires I am Alice Cullen, My sister Kathryn is Jessica Stanley, and Megan is Leah Clearwater on the DARK side. Anyway today I am sending an e-mail to friends and family asking them to sign up I wonder what they will chooose... When my new baby sibling Cheesie comes into this world I will recruite him or her to be on the vampire side (which of course is the best side) so anyway I was going to write this yesterday but it was time to go to bed, on Wednesday's American Idol when Ryan was with Syesha and Jason about to tell who was going home Jason interuppted and was like "Somebody told me I shot the Tambourine Man" in such a voice that he could be only thinking "Oh my gosh that is so awesome that somebody told me that" while me and my grandpa were thinking "He and Paula must be sharing crack before the show" Anyway I am very excited for Friday when I might get to see David Archuleta in real life!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Victory for Me!

Well for those of you who did not see American Idol yesterday I have some very happy news... DAVID ARCHULETA MADE IT TO THE TOP 3! Plus that dorkshorts Jason Castro went home VICTORY FOR ME! Plus there is new stuff all over my blog so every time you come here always look on the sidebar and the bottom.. I am a sidebar junkie! Anyway I am going to figure out how to see David Archuleta get the key to the city that is only 20 minutes from my house, plus then I could see him in real life.. I really hope that David A. wins.. Ok from now on if you ever see me put David that does NOT mean David Cook it means David A., but it is kind of a pain to have to put A. or Archuleta on here all the time so now you have been forewarned! Also today I have finished my report part of my country project on Guatemala and now I just have to do my pictures and project!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I know I am obsessed

K I am pretty sure that this is the last Twilight thing I am putting on here but I think it is funny... A few of these mean I AM OBSESSED which of course I already knew give it a try and see if you are. by the way I am thinking about making a blog just for all this Twilight stuff... What do you think? Give me a comment to help me decide:

You Know You're Obsessed With Twilight When...

1. You sleep with your books in your bed at night.

2. You've memorized every page number in all three books and know the content of each.

3. You start a Twilight-themed website. (I might)

4. You and your friends make Twilight tees that say "I'd rather die than be with Mike Newton" and wear them to school on the same day.

5. Instead of shouting "I HAVE TO PEE!" you say "I need a human minute."

6. You hate gym only because Bella does, too.

7. Everytime someone speaks of one named Edward, you jump on their back.

8. You refuse to eat human food, because the Cullens don't.

9. You think in Fanfic. (On Edward's meadow there is a fanfic about the 4th Twilight and I have been thinking about it)

10. Every sentence you say begins with "Twilight".

11.You would name your kid Carlisle in a heartbeat.

12. If someone is cold/warm when you touch them, you scream "YOU'RE A WEREWOLF/ VAMPIRE! And THEN jump on them. (Haha that is hilarious)

13. You call your English/Science/Trig teachers there respective Twilight characters (i.e., Mr. Berty, Mr. Banner, Mr. Varner, Coach Clapp)

14. You become a vegetarian, because you are just halfway there to "vegetarian vampire."

15. You refuse a date with the most popular guy in school because he's not "your Edward."

16. You have answered "duh," "yes," or "omg YEAH" to all or any of these questions.

17. You give complements/insults in the following format: "You know what, you are such a *insert name of character here*.

18. If someone mentions they haven't read the series*gasp*, you start yelling at them until they do. (um.. that has only happened a few times *cough cough*)

19. You demand that your parents take you to Forks over spring break/summer vacation, etc.
(I wish)

20.On a sunny day, you're depressed because you know you won't see any vampires.

21. You're reading this list for this long. (well what say you have I)
I am obsessed!

The Dent in the Wall (from Eclipse)

Read the post before this 1st!! F.Y.I.the dent in the wall is when in Twilight Edward jumps out at Bella right before the baseball game: Enjoy

Esme's point of view

A few days ago, Edward and I went to go get a bed for Bella to sleep on. The boys were planning on going on an overnight hunting trip, and we (the girls) were holding Bella hostage, for a slumber party. We picked out a beautiful, gold bed with iron roses wrapped around the posts.
As we were getting ready to put the bed in, we were moving the furniture off to the side.
Edward and I lifted the couch and its shape was forever printed into the wall.
"Edward! What did you do?! I screeched. When I looked up, the whole family was there, eagerly waiting to see what Edward's answer was.
"Oh, that happened when I attacked Bella." He said in a casual tone. I heard giggles from behind me.
"You attacked Bella?!" I asked, horrified. Carlisle put a soothing hand on my shoulder. I shook it off.
"I was under control, Mom." He shrugged. I still stared, mystified.
"How could you do that to the poor girl?"
"I was in complete control and we were just playing around."
"Edward, first you break the plasma screen TV, in half might I add. Second, you ruin the wall. What's next?" I asked, in exasperation.
"Hmm...let's see," I just realized Alice was right next to me, "Oh," she grinned, "The bed's next." Emmett cracked into a hysterical laugh.
"What? Edward...?" I yelled over Emmett's booming interruption.
"It hasn't happened yet! Don't yell at me when I didn't do anything!"
"Well, you made a permanent dent in the poor wall." I went on. I was not going to lose this battle. Then I made a decision.
"Alice, what -- of Edward's -- is going to be trashed next?"
She closed her eyes after a few moments. She smiled and said, "The next thing that's going to be destroyed -- and Edward won't do it this time -- is his Volvo." Rosalie cracked a smile.
Edward looked at me, anger flashing in his eyes.
"That's what I thought." I said, now making my way to the stairs. Edward was faster. He grabbed my arms and pulled me back into his room.
"I could help, Esme." Rosalie said in her soothing voice, completely ignoring Edward.
"You ruin that Volvo and the bed won't be the only thing broken." He growled.
"Don't you growl at me. Remember, I'm still your mother."
"You're right, I'm sorry." He lowered his arms. I knew I would win this battle.
"Be more careful, and please, try not to break the bed."
"Don't worry, Esme. He's only going to break off a rose." Alice said cheerfully.
Edward glared, then, childishly, he stormed out of the house, upset with Alice, and went -- where we all assumed -- to Bella's house.

For Twilight fans (like me)

Well now I am reading Twilight series for the 5th time although I totally skipped New Moon because I hate it so now I am on Eclipse and today I was google searching Twilight quizzes and it brought up a website called Edward's Meadow ( and there were these things called Fan fics and here is my favorite one (don't read it if you haven't read Twilight or I guess you could if you want) although they aren't really in the book they are just fans writing parts of the story there are more if you go to the website which also has a lot of cool things including quizzes. So in the next post here is Edward's Meadow Fan fic: The Dent in the Wall.