Thursday, April 23, 2009

More Random Activities in Hotsville Utah...

So hopefully you all watched the slideshow. I tried to put the pictures in order so now I will describe what's been going on lately...
On Sunday we had a combined birthday party for my grandma B. My great grandpa P. and my cousin Logan.
My mom makes the most awesome cakes but she hasn't done it for awhile but she decided to make some don't they look yummy?
There are pictures of my cousin Kendrey in the hat,
Aunt Marilee Megan and cousin Abby in the chair
Mare's shoes
My aunt Cassen and Charlie
Me Mare and some of my littler cousins made a new word out of the magnets Kendrey brought over at random
Charlie eating his hand
Charlie Being Chuck Norris (I actually don't really know who he is but my uncle John had this saying off his calendar and I liked it: In a parallel universe where there are 2 Chuck Norrises no one would win cause no on beats Chuck Norris) Okay...
Heh. This is my grandpa and my dad. my dad has an awesome face on huh?
I was really bored
So then I ended the boredom by trying on fake nails
Don't I look Pretty?
Then I was supposed to clean my room but I kidnapped Charlie to entertain me while I cleaned (which actually means I play with him) and took pictures...
AH!!! MY BROTHER'S A NUDIST (He likes to only wear a diaper)
These are my incredibly awesome dinosaur socks that I got for easter and wore for the first time Tuesday
My aunt Kim came back from New Zealand and gave me this koju? necklace that means New Beginnings and Prosperity, which I need since me and Mark are no longer friends and I need money in order to go to Aero next week and use my 25% off coupon that expires I am pretty sure the 2nd day in May, but anyway I missed her I'm glad she's back!

Now some random activities that didn't happen with photographic evidence but I am going to tell you anyway...
So I have gained 4 new brothers:
*Kasey, Gabe, and Kevin: The crazy yet lovable little brothers
*McKay: The older and overprotective older brother
We had to take the Science CRT'S (Bleck) and afterwards me Jennifer Kevin and Gabe decided we needed new names:
*Me: Ezikio Flunke
*Jenni Beans: Becky Norris Zimbabwe
*Kevin: Phillippe Stanley Sogywatr
*Gabe: Esteban Nietzel Hizoperfleanerman
Oh yeah and at the birthday party I was holding Charlie and my uncle John told me that he should hold him and I said that I was his favorite and he said no uncle trumps sister. I thought he meant uncle trump's sister like as in what I say "like heck your'e his favorite" and I had a blonde moment and asked him who uncle trump was! LOL
I got an e-mail from Jojo where they video tape this "dead" 50 foot long snake but when it gets to the head the snake tries to bite them and hisses and it scared me so bad and Charlie was on the floor right next to me and my screaming made him cry so my dad thought I had dropped him. It was pretty funny later on though.
So I think that's it...Talk to ya later!

GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH K so now I am frustrated cause my computers being a turd again so I am struggling making a slideshow but I promise you I will find a way to put pictures on at a later date bye!