Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bizarre dreams

So 2 nights ago I was thinking about David Archuleta a lot (big surprise)and had the following dreams:
#1- It was the American Idol finale and David Cook was asking David Archuleta questions and David A would answer back in a British accent and then he got on the catwalk behind the judges and started singing Twinkle Twinkle little star still in accent

#2- We were somewhere far away and I had one of those wiggle skate cars and I chose to drive it home so I had to pack snacks in my hat and cruised down the freeway at like 3 miles an hour in my wiggle skate car.

I, Hannah Black, swear on my life I did not make those up. However there was more to Dream #2 but I forgot it. Oh also I have a goal that I will write things in my journal before blogging so that I can keep more up to date on that... Tootles!


Mama said...

i have dreams about being on the freeway in a car, and as i need to gi faster th car gets smaller until i am only on a little platform with wheels. its very stressful!!!
love you- mind