Thursday, May 15, 2008


Ok so this isn't all this post is about, but anyway for those who don't know David Archuelta made it to the finale! MY cousin Colby and I did a GIANT celebration dance. I have also made my young 5 year old cousin a promise that when David A's CD comes out, I will buy it and then when Colby comes over we will rock out to it. I really hope that David beats David "Garbage-Disposal Throat" Cook. But anyway, yesterday it was my choir performance and my mom had to go to the school so me and my sister's tagged along and when the bell rang, I was over at my BFF Kayli's portable and a few days ago I asked her if Mr. Welcker was sad I was gone, or if he was having a Hannah's off-track party. She told me he was having a party so we went to go talk to him. We were just joking around and he said "we really are having a party on Friday because Gabe got 100% on his spelling test." F.Y.I. Gabe NEVER gets 100 so Mr. Welcker said that when he did we could have a party, so that makes me mad that he has to wait untill I'm off-track to get it. Mr. Welcker also said "Hey I saw you at the choir performance, you stood out like a sore thumb," just joking around. So I replied and said "Oh I wasn't the only one that noticed that I totally broke a note on the last song." He said "I didn't even notice that but now I know... "YOUR'E A NOTE-BREAKER! really loud, and it was really funny. I guess I am kind of excited I am going back on track because I will most likely miss Mr.Welcker in 7th grade. VOTE FOR DAVID ARCHULETA, SO HE CAN BEAT COOK PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE