Saturday, February 9, 2008

Classic Skating

For those of you who are wondering no I did not get 5 feet close to a pair of roller skates. Jill, Grandpa, and Grandma took us to Classic because it was Megan's friends birthday party and Colby, Kathryn, Mo, and I went on the bouncing stuff! IT WAS SO FUN!!!!!! We also went in the " Jungle" climber obstacle course thing. Mo's fave part was the ball pit, and the boungy chair. Mine was the vine. The bouncy stuff was fun too. It turns out that even to roller-skating fearing me Classic Skating can be a very fun place:). I have a new video bar at the bottom of my blog check it out. / *-*/ = cassete tape. Then we went to Wingers and I feel like I am going to explode! Except Colby just offered me a blue Curious George fruit snack and I accepted the head!:) Mwa ha ha ha ha HA! Lol sounds like me Huh? Hey for those of you who know or have done the time quiz (if you have not it can be located at the button Mindy's Blog) My time is 2:11 am which I have not figured out a way to display the badge on the blog. So deal with it. I am at Grandma's now and we were up till about 11 yesterday. Bye