Friday, October 17, 2008

This is my family......

So yesterday we went to my grandparents house (on my mom's side) and I was talking to my 3 year old cousin Mo and she had this ring and she put it on my finger then she took it off and walked out of the room when she came back it was gone. So I asked her "Did you sell it on eBay and she says "Yeah I sold it on youbay." and then she gets it back and she says "my boyfriend gives this to me and so I hit him." Then when I was writing on this peice of paper so that I could remember what to write on this blog she stole the permanet marker I was using so I asked her to give it back and she told me to say please so I did and automatically she told me No. Also my aunt has a dog named Eli and my uncle shaved his head so yesterday when my grandpa was telling Mo that his favorite dog was Old Yeller I pointed to Eli and said what about him? and he's like Eli is not a dog he is a llama wannabe. Also I was asking everyone "How do you riverdance?" no one knew so if you have any information on riverdancing please leave me a comment :) See ya!

5 MORE DAYS TILL CHEESIE COMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!