Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh yeah....I rock

So I am pretty sure that I mentioned that if I get straight A's the whole year (4 quarters) then I get a cell phone and I am THIS close to getting straight A's I am a few decimals away from being an A in Math and then 1 quarter closer to my cell!!!!!! So yeah I am really happy today because of that and cause Cheesie is coming soon and I am listening to fun music and I made a new song here it is!: (I just forgot the original tune AHHHHHHHH!! :(
When I was little I was a bebe...
I was fattish has that changed?
My family is so amazing
They think I'm a dork (DUH DUH DUH)
School is fun when there is sun
And no Mr. Shaw (he's mean)
I love life so much
Don't burst my bubble (duh duh duh DUH!!!!!!)
So yeah also I am happy cause I got tater tots and they were good. Also I don't have to go to school for 5 days cause of UEA and some other thing. So yeah that is my happiness for ya!


Peter & JoNae Black said...

Hannah, I Love reading your blogs, They make me laugh. You are such a funny girl ;0)

Heather said...

You go girl!