Wednesday, October 22, 2008


? Jay Black
10:13 am
October 21st, 2008
7 lbs. 9 oz.
20 1/2 inch

Pictures are coming in the next post and we didn't take a whole lot but expect more of my sweet little brother. We got to skip school today and spent the day at the hospital which was kind of boring. We went to Kohls on the way there and bought him a stuffed hippo, penguin, and a bear. He is so cute! Here are some facts about him:

1. No name to speak of; debating between Charlie or Brandon
2. When we went to the hospital my mom was only at a 3 and we left @8:30 then he was ready to be born less than two hours later
3. Not very cooperative when it comes to First Official Picture taking
4. Sleeps a lot
5. Will probably never be put down

Ya so I will add more about him when I have been around him longer. I probably got to see him maybe 2-3 hours today see ya!


Megan said...

And you held him half the time

Peter & JoNae Black said...

COngratulations on your new brother Hannah! Your Uncle Pete thinks you guy's should go with the name Ima, not that what he thinks matters! Let us know when you decide on a name ;0)

Heather said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see pics. :D