Saturday, January 3, 2009


This post is my 200th post! Yeah me! This is what is about....New year's day I went to my grandma's. We had a turkey dinner which was freakin delicious and then we made hats like the ones my grandma and Jill's family did New Year's Eve which we weren't there so we made some small ones that we traced out of foam and then decorated and got the squiggly things in half because there weren't enough real hats. So here are some pictures of our hats. (Charlie totally does not appreciate his hat since he started yelling after I took the picture to get that dang hat off his head) Here they are:

The reason my hat says Bring it was because we played my grandpa's electric Monopoly with credit cards which is way fun. I took 2nd place with not very much money and Grandpa creamed us all with 28 million dollars (he owned like the whole board and I owned 4 places.) Oh yeah I rock! Oh yeah and there was this one utility and my mom and Jill wanted it and if you auction it you have to press the deal button which starts a timer and whoever is highest gets it when the timer is done. Well my mom had like a measley 1 million dollars (which actually isn't very good at all in this game) and she bid 6.6 million and the timer went out so she had to morgage all her property and then she had to go out of the game. She was laughing so hard. It was funny. So yeah and the other side about chocolate was my mom bought a whole bunch of pot of golds and I wanted some. So there you go. Good bye.


Mama said...

looks like you had a great two holidays! Wish we could have been there... next year!
Charlie is so dang cute, I want to kiss his chubby cheeks!
love you, minda