Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me, I live in a tree....

Just kidding, can you tell I'm like way hyper today? I think I have so much energy because yesterday I had the stomach flu which was not pleasent because if I was not laying down curled in a little ball I felt like I was going to throw up...ew! So yeah like you've guessed I am a teenager!!! Here are some pictures (slideshow is still driving me insane)since I am kind of bored here we go: (Oh and PS all of the little me pictures are out of my scrapbook so you can kind of see the reflection of the camera and they aren't that good..but oh well!)(There's some with Jordin in them too)

Well there you go 1001 pictures of me ;)
Oh and also today two of my best friends Jenni Beans and Mckenzie attacked my locker with streamers and banners so since I didn't have my camera with me at school I had to settle for recreating it differently on my closet..also they made sure that all my teachers knew it was my birthday and I should be sung I was sung Happy birthday too like 5 times (ok so it kind of sounded like a funeral march but I thought it was pretty freakin funny)
P.S. Does anyone know a slideshow website (not that doesn't take so long and you don't have to would be appreciated
P.P.S. Here are some pictures of Charlie of course! (He's sucking his thumb now!)


Peter & JoNae Black said...

Hannah, we hope you had a Happy Birthady! Dang a teenager huh? Enjoy growing up!

JoJo said...

wowwww i we were cute babys haha lol