Friday, July 11, 2008

Smelly Girls

Sorry it has tooken me so long to review but here I am and so anyway I went through the wilderness to a 4 day Girl's Camp Yay! (They told us to bring pics from camp on Tuesday so they could supposedly make a CD for everyone so I will make a new post with those later if I happen to get one) These are the highlights that are so not in order and will just be a little random:

* Some of my friends from other wards told my ward that they wanted to talk to me for a second and so they led me off (I thought we were going to the ampitheater) Surprise! they took me down the hill to the more woodsy part of AspenCrest campground and took me to a tree and were going to tie me up to it however their rope was being used so they pushed me into the tree, then sent a note to my ward to bring them Otter Pops and/or candy so my ward brought them stale doughnuts and cookies and we ran away before they realized (However my friends said they were good anyway.

* We did Secret Sisters (a new one everyday) and I got lip gloss :) some good smelling soap, some glitter pencils, and a Fresca and 2 sticks of gum.

* The last day we got up at 6:00 A.M. to do Testimonials as a Stake which I did not like because it was really cold and we had already all done it as a ward.

* The Stake played the song CELEBRATION 50 million times so at 6 when they woke us up to it we all wanted to chuck rocks at the radio and all wished bad things to come to the CD.

* It was like 100 degrees in the afternoon and about 20 in the evening to last until around 9:00 in the morning! BRR!

* When we got home on Friday we and our belongings were caked with dirt, so it was really funny on Sunday to see everyone so clean looking

* We went snipe hunting and were going to eat them except we only caught 2 so we put them back

* Our ward's award was a box of Laffy Taffys since we pulled pranks a lot (it helps to have a flagpole in your just your own campsite :)

* We did a Pamper the Leaders for 1 afternoon which we all thought was a lot of fun and the leaders swore that it would be an annual tradition

* There was a weird orange dot on the mountain next to us that did not move and stayed there the whole time so we were all trying to figure out what it was and my ward decided it was a dead hunter.

* We put on war paint and had a Flour war with the whole stake

I have to go eat dinner but I might be back later with more, but to be honest I can't think of much more so TTFN