Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October Thus Far...

Pumpkin Patches...I drug Megan on our traditionally walk to the last row to see the last pumpkin and IT WAS PERFECT! It's now on my porch

We cleaned our basement during conference [I love conference!] and Charlie found some new toys to play with

We took a trek up Butterfield Canyon...My family are awesome posers

Young Womens and friends all with this lovely Aisan...I mean...Jennifer :]

Also on a more traumatizing note...there's a cop who works at our school...his name is Officer Scott and I'm pretty sure his biceps are bigger than my thighs...Hard feat. So needless to say I'm reaaaally intimidated by him. I was standing with Mack and Gabe outside of careers today and said "AH! There's Officer Scott! I'm afraid of him!" So Gabe yells "WHAT HANNAH? YOUR AFRAID OF OFFFICER SCOTT!?" Riight when he walked by so he turns around and shakes my hand and says "There's nothing to worry about we're friends now!" I was laughing too hard to do anything but nod....Thank heavens Durfee kept a low profile today and I'd die of a heart attack.

I have also somehow hurt my ankle for the 3rd week in a row, taken a super hard AP history test and had to write an essay for such test on a topic I had no clue what it was saying..It had the word china in it...I wrote about that.I studied for that test this morning with Gabe, Brysan, and Dion trying to quiz me but Brysan kept giving silly answers and distracting me, Dion knew everything and Gabe was "SICK OF IT!" So when Tyler got there he was assigned to tutor me. I also have plotted evilly against more than one person, eaten Coke and breadsticks for a super nutricious lunch, snuck out of health 5 minutes early with Brysan so we could act like super ninjas down the hallway...until we heard a door open and ran terrified around corners, sat on my sister till she handed over the stickers, went to a dance, plotted some more, almost faced my fears till Tyler said "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" and partyed it up with a bunch of weirdos :]
But hey...That's my life :]