Friday, October 21, 2011

Life or My Lack of It

First of...I'm kinda having a rough week. This child [Tyler Barnyard] is moving to Logan in a week and even though there's been times he drives me nuts I'm going to miss him :[ I also got my braces rearranged so they hurt almost as bad as when they were first put on and I can't eat anything...A lot of my friends have also sustained injuries in the last little while making me feel helpless..and I'm stressed. But never fail! The best is always yet to come :]

If Gabe ever asks to draw on your hand...Don't let him do it! This is his hillbillie vampire ghost and a bird. Ummmmmm in history some girl asked "What is that ugly thing on your hand!?" I told her a tattoo gone wrong and she flipped out :]

Gotta love Interior Design :] I was clearly in a very yellow mood :]
We all went to the park yesterday trying to soak up the last rays of sun:
Aysa Louisa

Jennifer posing on the rocks

Jennifer and Dal

The other day me and Gabe were in English locking his secrets into our "chamber of secrets" that Jennifer couldn't know about...How did we accomplish it? Gabe pointed randomly saying "Look a shiny thing!" and she spent 5 minutes looking for the "shiny thing" she didn't get it...
And it's Charlie's third birthday!!! Though he swears he's turning four. We spent the day going to Gardner village to see the witches, get trampled by mobs, spend awhile in the candy store, purchase truffles, and head to Toys R Us. Every little kids dream...

Happy birthday Crazy Flakes!