Yup stole it from Taylor Swift. But it sums up how I feel perfectly. French was hysterical because we [Emma Jennifer Aspen and I] were all hyper and we were learning about animals and learning Old McDonald and Loughary made the goose noise and it was the funniest thing! I will have to record it or something for you to fully appreciate it. But it was spelled on the paper ga-ga if that helps anything. You kinda suck the air in from your throat I guess. But then we were playing Battleship with partners and me and Jennifer were together...But we were playing and there's phrases in French on the bottom. So we just barely started playing when I looked down and yelled YOU SUNK MY BOAT in french in a hillbillie accent so she goes REALLY? and I yelled JUST KIDDING MAH! :] Then we kept telling each other that we were cheaters in French in different accents. Oh man then we asked Loughary if he was going to miss us next year and he gave us this wide eyed look and said Oh uh huh so we said WELL DON'T BECAUSE WE'RE IN FRENCH 2 NEXT YEAR! and he put his head down on the desk. :] I'm excited!
Then in art class we discovered everything piled in a corner and Roghaar surprised us with a pizza party we'd been planning but didn't think would really happen. Best.Art.Class.Ever! I took pictures of Heather Sharpie Chris and Jesse but I think I will just wait until the post I do about the last day of school and put them on there. Here are some of the highlights:
-There is a door leading from our classroom to Clegg's class next door and there is a window in it. We were kinda over there eating our pizza and this random kid kept poking his head up in the window and so we named him the creepy kid.
-Then me and Heather hid under the window and when he came back we popped up and took a picture [blurry] of him :]
-Then we were just hanging out when Sharpie left to get some water so we decided to close the door because he would think it was locked and just stand there like a dork
-Then we popped out and took another blurry picture of him whilst he was yelling at us to open the dang door
-Turns out the door really was locked :]
-Then on the way to gym we saw the kid and learned his name was Eric and we told him that he was officially our new best friend
-Now whenever me and Heather see him we yell and wave!
In gym Heather thought I said Holy Lehi! so now we say that all the time and laugh when we are able to use the word alarmed. We got these little cards that change the picture if you turn it a certain way warning against cyber predators and it says You might think it's her and a pic of a little girl...But it's really him! and its this creepy guy with feminine lips and leperd print hair. Me and Emma figured out how to tweak it so you see a little bit of both of them at the same time and it's not a pleasant image. We named the girl Belinda and the guy Carl so we you bend it the card is CARLINDA! AH! he could be friends with Wesley and Gertrude. So that's about it but It was just a GREAT DAY! Thanks above for my amazing friends!
Friday, May 28, 2010
I had the best day with you today...
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:06 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, Words to live by
Some Pictures...
It's that time of year again where we have to sew a dress for Fashion Revue contest for 4H. This is the fabric I chose to make the dress...However I forgot to e-mail myself the pattern jacket. OOOPS! well it's Jellie's bridesmaid's dress pattern so I think I have a picture of that somewhere on this blog. But ya there will be pictures when it's all done! The one of Megan freaking out is because we found some marvelous sparkly spandex :] Haha! The ones of Charlie show how he dresses up as Tarzan and how fashionable he is by sagging his pants [Just kidding I think its oober disgusting]
We're so hot we'll melt your popsicle! :] The End. Haha love that saying from the new Katy Perry song but it's kinda a bad song :[ I have to go to school now 4 more days! :[ Yuck see ya later
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:37 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, memories, Pics
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Best.Stake.Dance.Ever. Part Dous!
But first of all let me ask...Do you watch Glee? Last nights show was EXTREMELY hilarious! I loved the song Rachel sang with her mom and I thought the beginning part with the chubby Twilight fans were hilarious when they attacked the guy with the fro and too small glasses! :] What did you think? Katie told me my blog's comments wouldn't work so I tweaked it a little bit and I'm pretty sure it works now. So Please comment if you feel the urge...I love reading them!
-First of all there's this guy named Dean or Dane...Something like that but I'm kinda thinking now that his name is Dane. He's aisan [not being racist but this is about all I remember with him [he wasn't that interesting.]]
-Then there was the Cinderella dance where you throw your shoe in the pile and the guy finds it and returns it and you dance with him. So anyway I got this slightly cute guy named Christian who I later remembered used to be in my ward and he was my bishop's son [which means he's a keeper :]] Haha but he was one of my favorite dances yet cause he was HILARIOUS! For example we were asking each other questions and he asked me if I owned a pet rock what would I name it and what color would it be? He was really sweet and funny and I left that song thinking Wow! Best dance yet!
-However then Sara made me dance with this man named Bobalooba. Let me explain a little bit about him before you judge :] Well
-He goes to my school and is in 8th grade
-I talk to him A LOT
-He is really tall and has dark wavy hair that we argue is black or dark brown
-Give up? It was Sharpie! :] This takes the cake for funnest dance song yet
This is how our conversation mostly went...
S: Can I have this dance [in dramatic voice] [he only asked me cause Sara made him P.S.]
M: I guess...If I have to...Okay
S: Okay [Then we started dancing]
S: So what's your name? I don't think we've met?
M: Broomhilda [I later found out he is dead certain that I said my name is Roonhilda so whatever]
S: That's a BEAUTIFUL name! I love it!
M: What's your name again?
B: Bobaloobadoo
M: Man! that's a mouthful can I just call you Bob?
S: Sure if you have to...I guess ;] [He was mocking me]
M: What color is your toothbrush? [common questions you ask guys]
S: Pink!
M: WHAT? [he was kidding]
S: I like your sleeves! :] [Oh man.]
I'm pretty sure that's just about all we said but there was most likely more that I've just forgotten.
-Then some time later I set up all my friends with dance partners. This ended up sucking because then I realized I was alone :[ But then I found this kid in my ward and carpool Jesse and asked him to dance [Keep it mind that I just got done dancing with Christian and Bob so it might not have been as bad as it seemed at the time.] But it was AWKWARD! Not fun. Whenever I asked him something I got 1 word answers and he answered the questions lamely. For example when I asked him where he lived he said "by you" Ok what's your name "Jesse" What color is your toothbrush [To this I got a lot of rambling about why was I asking it and then it turns out he didn't even know! ACK!"
-But the dance ended with me dancing with this really cute guy named Caden and I realized I had a crush on his little brother Colten in kindergarten and he was really nice and funnyish so he wasn't a complete waste. :] THIS CONCLUDES THE LIST OF THE RANDOM GUYS I DANCED WITH SOME OF WHOM BEING RATHER ATTRACTIVE OR JUST RANDOM STRANGERS SARA MADE ME DANCE WITH....OR THAT OTHER GUY ;] Bob being that other guy
-We always get handed glow sticks when we walk in and by the end of the night most of them are in Sharpie's shirt pocket so it glows all funkily like E.T'S heart. But when we first got them me, Gabe, Derek, possibly Sharpie, and Lindsey had a lightsaber war complete with sound effects, hiding from each other, and running around the gym :] Haha this could explain why not guys except for Bob have actually ASKED ME to dance :] Oh well why dance with guys when you could chase guys with fake lightsabers?
-Then we moved on to the hulahoops. Gabe and Sharpie are extraordinary while me and Derek struggle :]
-Then someone brought out the limbo stick and we were all limboing. I was pretty good at it and I told Gabe its all the practice he's given me when I'm trying to avoid him poking me in the forehead.
-Then we got our glowsticks back from Sharpie and we were listening to Don't Stop Believing I think and we had a little glow stick band going with Gabe and Sharpie on guitars, me on the drums, and Derek singing :]
-AND NOW FOR THE GRAND FINALE OF THIS POST! This is probably my favorite stake dance memory and so I left the best for last: So right after I got done dancing with Bob something was said that ended with him telling me that I should grow more. I had to get a drink anyway so I pretended to be offended and stormed out but I was in a great giggly mood so I had my hands over my face and I was shaking with laughter and Sharpie came out with Sara Lindsey and Katie and was like "are you really crying?" so I nodded and he said "Let's see those "tears"" so I ran over to the drinking fountain and grabbed a handful of water and flicked it at my face. I succeeded in hitting my forehead, the ceiling, and the guy behind me which made me laugh harder and I had to retry. :]
However today was eventful with Sharpie coming up behind me after class and grabbing my shoulders and yelling which made me yell and "jump a mile" according to Sharpie. He hasn't been walking out with us to wait for carpool anymore cause his sister comes to get him cause he moved to the cove and has to take a bus next year :[ Heh the other day he said he lived on back brush and I thought he said butt brush so now we have yet another inside joke. So I thought he had already left so I was at my locker and he ran up behind me and grabbed my shoulders again so I SCREAMED at the top of my lungs and he laughed hysterically forever and some of the teachers were peeking out their doors to make sure everything was alright :]
Today in art Chris had some glasses that on the side said REAL 3D GLASSES but they had no lenses so I was really confuzzled then asked How can they show things in 3D then it took 6 years for me to get it. BLONDE MOMENT :]
Inside Joke of the day: Calm down home skillets! That's me and Emma's because at an assembly today this really weird teacher named Mr. Shake said that and we laughed. The End! Talk to you guys later! Combined Young Womens and Young Mens tonight! Last time this happened it brought you Mr. Krueger's Christmas so it's guaranteed to be a great night/tribute to Sharpie's last activity with our stake :] See ya then!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:22 PM 2 Comments...
See Also: Confusion, Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, Words to live by
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Stake Dance #4
So I know this happened a long time ago but I finally am going to blog about my favorite stake dance yet! [As you know I'm not usually in order and this is how this post runs as well :]]
-Like every stake dance there is one song where all the girls throw a shoe in a big pile [I usually just chuck mine and it hits the guy in the head] well Gabe was waitin around then decided to grab a shoe...Turned out to be Lindsey's. So I told him that and he yells GROSS! and throws it back and gets another shoe...Mine! so he yells GROSS! and grabs another shoe and frantically yells at me "IS THIS ANYONE YOU KNOW!?!" but it wasn't but then he was later mad at me because he didn't like the girl.
-Because of the other day when Sharpie was singing and we had our Justin Bieber conversation we were laughing really hard when he was singing along to the song at the dance but singing it really low to be "manly" so we yelled "IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!" and all these people were staring at us and Sharpie was disgruntled :] Its Proper Words May if you couldn't tell.
-Dresses don't usually have pockets so Lindsey has Sharpie hold her phone and lip gloss in His pockets. Well Lindsey had some intense lip gloss and even though this sounds weird me and her and Katie were sharing it [Don't try that with everyone I told this story to my dad and he got grossed out and told me I was going to get diseases] so Lindsey handed it back to Sharpie when we were done and he pulls off the lid and says I WANT SOME! so he "pretended" to put some on but a little bit squeezed out on his lip so he wipes it off disgustedly and says "Are my lips all shiny? so we yelled "THAT'S NOT JUSTIN BIEBER IT'S...EDWARD CULLEN!" he didn't really appreciate it.
-Your Love is my Drug by Ke$ha is one of my favorite songs right now and so we were singing along really loud and Sharpie was confuzzled as to why I liked it. But before the dance me and Lindsey watched this video [its at the bottom of this blog] and we were dancing like the guy in the parking lot with the old man and laughing hysterically then we yelled really loud at the end I LIKE YOUR BEARD! [that's really all Sharpie knows of the song I think]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 7:01 PM 0 Comments...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Finally got around to this post but first a word from our sponsers:
HAHA! saw this on Vote for the Worst and thought it was a HILARIOUS picture! But anyway on to the much awaited LAGOON DAY! :] Here are some of the highlights from this magically delicious day:
-The bus ride there was exceptionatly boring cause I sat next to this one girl I don't know very well. You know how it is...when you try to make conversation and they don't really say much. Yeah. That's what happened.
-The only funny part was when the girl was chewing gum and talking to me and totally spit her gum out on the floor by my shoe so we were laughing when Mia turned around and said "Oh nuts! I just spit gum out into my hair!" Haha this is why you don't give teenagers gum on the bus. The end.
-When we first got there some of my friends randomly disappeared but it was Ok because I already decided to hang out with my friend Nina and her friend/my new aquaitance Candace.
-Our first ride there was not Wicked or another really cool roller coaster but THE BUMPER CARS! we were laughing hysterically the whole time and probably looked like nerds but we had so much fun! that's nina...TOTALLY jealous of her hair color! its gorgeous!
-Then we discovered the Tilt a whirl. IT WAS SOO FUN! except for the part when Nina left her phone on it and we didn't realize till later. but don't worry cause the lady in the line had it. Here's some pictures of what it is in case you don't know [they're of Sharpie and his guy friends and our friends Tiffany and Kallyn but that part comes later]
-We couldn't find Sharpie for A LONG TIME cause he was hanging out with his guy friends and Landon basically despises me or in his words "disapproves of me and Mckay's relationship" Whatever. I follow no man's rules! But anyway it was kind of depressing but we saw him off and on twice
-Once while we were in line for bumper cars and he had just got of the ROCKET with Landon and went all wide eyed and said "I SERIOUSLY WAS GOING TO PUKE!" Haha
-Twice when we were walking around and saw him in the window of Arbys so we went over and I banged on the window where his back was and scared him :] But his friend Dakota told me a story later on that he turned to Sharpie and said "Dude it's your girlfriend [his friends are obnoxious] and this high schooler in front of them said THAT'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND!?!?! and wouldn't shut up about it till they left
-The lines for Arbys was really long and Candace didn't trust the Lagoon food so we decided to get a snack and then go get lunch later when the lines were short. So of course being me I talked them into getting SHAKES! They were cheap but incredibly filling and tasty so we ended up eating nothing else. BUT YUM! if you ever got to Lagoon get Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Shake at the little shake place by the Terror Ride. YUM!
-Our favorite ride ended up being the Jumping Dragon cause it's fun to be obnoxious and Scream hysterically and freak out the little kids that were randomly there.
-While we were on it for the 2nd or 3rd time it started POURING! we got SOAKED! [though not as wet as Sharpie did who rode the cliffhanger in the rain twice]
-We were playing a couple of the arcade games and I won this little stuffed duck that I loved and cuddled and called him Bambino forever and ever!
-Then we found Sharpie,Dakota,Kallyn, and Tiffany and we went on the tilt a whirl the scrambler, and then we went off and went on the swings with them twice and it was a lot of fun! me and Sharpie kept pulling faces at each other
-It was almost time to go and I decided I wanted to get over my childhood fear of roller coasters and kidnapped Emma so I could go with her since Nina and Candice didn't want to.
-We first went on the Wild Mouse and it gets really high and has sharp turns so I kept screaming when we turned cause I thought we were going to fall off.
-Then we waited in a long line for the classic white roller coaster and I almost got out of line like 6 times cause I was still kind of scared. But hey! I lived! and I LOVED IT! I am now a fan of roller coasters [unless it has loops or a REALLY sharp fall like Wicked or Collosus] It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be [I told Sammi to call the cops and tell Sharpie he was a good brother] like I told Emma in a hillbille accent THAT WILD MOUSE TAUGHT ME A LESSON I'LL NEVER FORGET! :] Haha
-The bus ride home was HYSTERICAL! I sat by Emma,Mia,this random kid that was the bus drivers son,Tyler,His annoying friend in the front of the bus and Sharpie was in the middle with his friends but he was in perfect yelling distance and we used that to our advantage.
-First of all I was sitting by Mia till Emma sat on me and eventually shoved me off onto my butt in the aisle and then I moved over by the random kid in front of Tyler and to the side of Mia and Emma
-Oh Tyler! The other day at Colby's Tball game he was "pitching" which was really just putting the ball in the machine that shot it. But since I knew him from Math class I was cheering for him and teasing him bout his superior pitching skills. So anyway we were talking to him but we were all really hyper so me and Emma were apparently really obnoxious.
-Like Emma was like your name is Tyler! My middle name is Tyler! My parents thought I was going to be a boy so they named me that :]
-Then Emma got an orange sucker and I stole it from her for a second and Sharpie was yelling THROW IT TO ME! even though she already licked it. This picture is titled THE ELUSIVE SUCKER IN IT'S NATURAL HABITAT!:
and me and emma were messing with Sharpie and took this picture of him that emma named THE ELUSIVE SHARPIE IN HIS NATURAL HABITAT:
-Then Mia gave me a peice of gum so I took 2 and rolled one to chuck to Sharpie and totally beaned this girl in the shoulder in front of him and she gave me this dirty look then handed it to him and it was funny!
-Then we had a bubble blowing contest that I totally won even though he still doesn't believe me. But I won at least half of them
-Then we had a staring contest and I won every time NO LIE!
-Then we got off the bus and were all laughing and talking and realized that everyone in between us had been watching us back and forth like a tennis match.
-Tyler got off screaming SWEET LAND!
-I accidentally whacked Emma in the head so she was mad so I asked her if she wanted me to kiss her head better so she nodded so I kissed the top of my head [in my defense that's what Lindsey does to me] but Sharpie missed that conversation so he was like Um? Did you just kiss Emma's head?
--The guy next to me told us we were better than cable [and really we are]
And that basicallly wraps it up! Can't wait for 9th grade trip when all of us FOOFers can all guarantee to be able to go together! P.S. This is a huge summarized version so just imagine 100 more things on this list and laugh! THE END!
P.s that was our tape sculpture come to life! He was going to be a spartan but we did a horrible job so we turned him into a guy falling off a swing [sharpie just wanted to be in the picture] so there you go! The end for reals!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:11 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, Happiness, memories, Middle School, Words to live by
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Ok...New plan. I will post this right now then hopefully post some of Lagoon before piano for my dear friend Katie. BUT if Lagoon doesn't happen today please don't hate me it just means you'll get pictures on the same post :] BUT back to this one..
So me and Gabe officially sit by each other the rest of the year in science class now and why would we pay attention? This is what we do with our spare time! :]
-Sharpie=Big Bird
-Gabe=Oscar the Grouch
-Kasey=Cookie Monster
-Jennifer=Maria ["the random black lady only I know the name of" according to Gabe]
-Lindsey=Praire Dawn
[P.S. Gabe decided to play matchmaker with these names NOT ME!]
Sara=Medusa [once again GABE he wouldn't let me change it ;] ]
Indian Names:
Theres only a couple because we didn't finish:
Sharpie=Running Eagle
Gabe=Jallopin [combination of jumping and galloping] jackalope
Jennifer=Yelling Unicorn
Or a random one= Squatting Chicken
Me/Derek/Gabe/Jennifers SEPERATE KIDS names:
D: Derek Jr and Lewis Clark
G: Osmosis and Lathoni
Jennifer: Cosmo and Ontwon
And in art class today me and Sharpie came up with a new nickname/term of endearment for each other: Muffin Chunk :] Long Story but I have to go so I will tell you later!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:45 PM 0 Comments...
Longest Post ever: 9x - 7i > 3 (3x-7u) Solve for i
Give up? I <3 U! No...really that's what the answer is :]
So I have sooo much to say and it seems that I don't have a lot of time...So we will do this in seperate posts. Soon to follow this one are about the stake dance and our science adventures in naming the FOOFers. Oh and my recent Lagoon trip with the 8th graders. Im really sorry about all this but just be patient and I will try to squeeze the other posts out of my fingers this week FOR SURE! But here is just a really random post that are totally out of order but come to my head and must be shared but sometimes are forgotten to be added on to previous posts.
-Like at the amazing party I had some Fridays back when we were playing Keep Away Katie threw the ball at me and it hit me in the face and bounced right into Sharpie's hands. Haha!
-Then he was playing basketball with Derek and was totally jumping around and dunking like a pro. It was really cool when he jumped threw the ball under his leg picked it up out of the air and threw it right into the basket...DUDE! STEVE NASH MOMENT! :]
-Me and my sisters had another war I was Hannahslavakia and Charlie was Charliebabwe of course. But Megan changed to megaustralia and Kathryn was Kathrica. I won...DUH!
-I don't remember why but me and Megan have decided to call each other Meatballs instead of how my aunt Melinda's family calls each other nuggets ;]
-We made chinese food but Mom needed some pork that she forgot so me and Megan volunteered to go down to Smiths for her and pick up "the frozen meat product" so we ran down there and bought it and were walking back the long way and saw Sharpie so we felt really stalkerish cause everytime I pass his house walking to my grandmas he's seen me.
-Like the other day I was walking with Charlie and these 2 guys honked at me so I was like "that's kind of creepy" so I pretended to call somebody on my phone and talk to them [that's what Jennifer says you're supposed to do and I think it's great advice.] So then all of a sudden who pulls out of his neighborhood in his car...The friendly neighborhood Sharpie who waves at me like a lunatic. So that's why I feel stalkerish.
-The other day in art class we were straightening wire hangers to bend them into rods for our tape sculpture [it's done I just haven't tooken a picture yet] so Sharpie was humming baby by Justin Bieber under his breath and he hates Justin Bieber so this was the conversation that ensued:
M: Oh don't deny it you probably have all of his Cds and posters in your room and in your new house [he's moving 5ish minutes away in 2 weeks but he'll still go to my school thankfully! They have been building it since he moved here originally but they were just renting and their new house is supposedly HUGE!] you probably have a room just for a shrine for your love of him!
S: [Still glaring] Do you want me to whack you with this long wire sitting upon my hand?!? [Doesn't wait for an answer to his question just thwaps my shoulder a little bit with it.] [He wouldn't really SMACK me with it he's too nice...though Gabe might :]]
M: I'll shut up now. [and then we went back to straightening wires]
-Jennifer brought her purse to school and has a ton of random things in there that Gabe found. Like a little thing of bubbles so Gabe stole them and then was blowing them. Then he said "my bubbles are bigger than yours" and showed us the next day when he pulled out of his backpack this HUGE bubble wand.
-On a walk with Katie [she made me blog this] we were talking so I told her that "we won cause we're not winners we're LOSERS!" whoops! that came out wrong :]
-Me, Emma, Jennifer, and Aspen are kind of loud and obnoxious in 1st period french class so before the bell rang he turned to us and yelled "YOU GUYS ARE SO LOUD! YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO GET MARRIED!" so we pretended to be sad and ran out of the classroom [at the bell do you think we would sluff?] and told Sharpie and he asked me if I wanted him to beat him up so I said yes [we're still waiting...like I said he's too nice for his own good]
-Back on our trip to Vegas it was REALLY windy on the way there so were eating popcorn and I rolled my window down a little and threw it out but instead of going straight out from the car it blew sideways out of my hand instantly...HAHA
-I have been to Katie/Gabe/Kevin's choir concert and Derek's band concert very recently. At KGK's it was only me and Derek that showed up so at the end Gabe was like "Dude! If I didn't know any better I would've thought you 2 were a married couple!" Then at Derek's Gabe/Jennifer/Katie came with me and we were having a really fun time. I had a field trip to go to the next day but Gabe decided that me and Jennifer had to bring ice cream and he would make pancakes for lunch. So after I got back he turned to us and asked where the ice cream was. He then showed us the heavily food colored pancakes he had behind his back :]
-The field trip I went to was really boring cause we went to the Anne Frank exhibit in Salt Lake but the best part was lunch when I was talking to Sharpie and on the way there I had seen some little ninja kids jumping over the posts in the ground so Sharpie said that's not NINJA! and to this day jumps over every single one of them he can find [even the HUGE ones at Lagoon.]
-Gabe has been making beautiful hand crafted swans out of tin foil that Sharpie thinks look like scorpions. So he was trying to get money out of it so he turns to me and says I usually sell this for 10 dollars but for you I will make it 5 in this indian accent and it was really funny but sadly I had no money in which to pay for it if I wanted to go to Lagoon later.
-Karlie was talking about thick hair in Science and told me mine was luscious so I asked her who said that anymore so Gabe says I DO! and then proceeds to tell me that FRUIT SNACKS ARE LUSCIOUS :]
-Emma just got braces so we were talking the other day and she spit on my face so I yelled at her and she asked what it felt like and I told her it was like a tropical mist.
-In French class we were all really hyper so we were yelling random things like MY MOM ATE MY TURTLE [some kid thought we were serious] and making up "lost scriptures" like THOU SHALT NOT EAT MINE LLAMA!!! :]
-We did the color code test [I was yellow of course followed by blue] and Sharpie was blue so I told him he was depressed so everytime he sees me he smiles. My motto for yellows was DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF [IT'S ALL SMALL STUFF!] and Sharpie's was IF YOU LOVE SOMEBODY LET THEM GO IF THEY LOVE YOU THEY'LL COME BACK. IF NOT HUNT THEM DOWN AND KILL THEM! ;]
-We were assigned in our color groups to make an airplane out of Tinker Toys and Sharpie's looked like a car and me and Nina's looked like a stick with a pretty purple thing on the top :]
-We were waiting for carpool once and Katie's friend Nathan's friend ran out of the door in front of us, jumped, and let out a barbaric yelp whilst throwing a paper airplane at Jesse all at the same time. So then of course we all laughed which convinced Old Sharpie to try to recreate it which was even more funny [He did it at Lagoon yesterday too :]]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:43 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, Happiness, memories