Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ex- Friends

So today I was standing over at my friend Makayli's portable at recess which is a pretty short distance from mine. Mr. Welcker came out of my portable and I yelled "Mr. Welcker HI!" He did not do anything so I walked over to him and I said " I said hi to you and you did nothing so I am through with this.. This being nice business" He said "Fine cause I am not on speaking terms with you anymore" End of recess. Then we were inside and my desk is right by the whiteboard and so I say with as much venom as possible. "Hello ex-friend" and he pretended to cry and he was like "Think of all the things I have done for you" and I said "Name One" and he said "I gave you a delay" and I said "that is what tore this friendship apart" and he started to laugh. Hey guess who got a 39 word per minute on their typing test instead of the minium 27. That's right Mwa I dont know how to spell that so just play along. So that is the story of my ex-friend. Bye


Heather said...

39 WPM? That's awesome. Congrats!