Typical combination right? :] Well tis for me! ;]
First off: Wedding
I know you probably wouldn't expect this [Cough cough cough...HACK HACK!] But I loooove weddings! Ever since the tender age of...young when I caught my aunt Melinda's boquet me and weddings have been tight ;] So when Katie decided she owed me a wedding since I hung out with her and missed one she offered to take me to her cousin's wedding :] Ok...so it sounds creepy when you say it like thaat but it was so fun! I just took really bad really creepy pictures ;]
Who wants to play: Hey guess what that dark blob is? [me! me!]
This believe it or not is me and Katie
This also is me and Katie [Threw ya off! :]
I loved Brittney's dress! It was gorgeous! Though you can't tell...Haha
These were the rocks and the pond in the backyard...It was cold...My hand was SHAAAAKING and so this is what we have to work with :]
I wish I would've tooken a picture of one of her bridesmaids! Her colors were black, neon green, neon blue, and neon pink which sounds INSANE but was lovely and cool! And all the bridesmaids wore black with one of the color scarfs and matching vans! Holy cow I want me some neon vans :] SO COOL!
The beautiful bride and groom :] Dancing to one of my favorite songs "Are you going to kiss me or not?" which made me even more happy than I was before :]
I didn't get a picture of their Daddy daughter dance...To my daddy daughter song but It's perfect the end. :]
Cake before
Cake after [But before it was shoved in each other's face :]
This was DEFINITLY one of my favorite parts! They had this big poster like this telling their story and then had a basket full of little ones for us creepers to take :] Totally going down at my wedding! :]
Best part of the wedding? Hard to tell buuuut we were standing on the side of the dance floor with Katie's adorable cousin! And the best man asked me to dance! His name was Mike, he was attractive...but he lived in Washington so it was a deal breaker...Well that and when he asked how old I was and I told him 15 he was like WOAH! [He was 21....wouldn't have worked out between us...] :]
We sent them off with glow sticks and balloons, me and Katie both grinning and trying not to cry [And I didn't even know them! Ha!]
Congratulations Craigos! Thanks for letting me crash your gorgeous wedding :]
And now the bite marks...Today I was bored in Chemistry and I poked Sharpie's face so he turned and bit me! The bite marks showed? shew? shewed? for awhile...but I'm kinda dissapointing it's not going to scar...How legit of a story would that be??? :]
Oh boys...Love them...Hate them...Infuriate them...Tis wonderful! :] But the other night me, Tyler, and Derek went to Sharpie's house and had a marvelous time...First we got in the car and Sharpie drove us to a redbox [I can't believe he's so old!] and of all the movies we could've chose...We chose Rio! :] sure it was a little kid movie but I laughed sooo hard! It's so great [Like curious George!! I think I laughed harder than the little kids I was babysitting] Then Derek showed up and we had a nerf gun fight with Sharpie's little brother Hunter and his super stupid friend. It was so funny! The friend was about to shout me and Tyler puts on his serious face and says "If you shoot Hannah, I WILL shoot you." The smart kid turns and runs! Nice to know I have great brothers that have got my back :] It's a scary world out there! Then we watched Sharpie and Tyler play an intense game of ping pong, sat and talked, then noticed the time [I'm always getting in trouble for not being responsiblie enough] and learning I had two minutes to get outside to meet my dad. So me and Tyler jumped up and booked it up the stairs [I tripped...and yelled dramatically "Save yourself!" but he just helped me up :] threw our shoes on, ran out the door, and got a text from my dad saying he had to get gas...So we had a lovely chat and watched the snow fall down :]
Now mullets...Dear Gabriel likes to push the boundaries of socially acceptable when he gets haircuts... Don't worry...he's shaving it off tonight :] Love him anyway but he's a nut. With a mini paint set...and a buttload of Pixie Sticks [I think he ate 18 in an hour] and a little friend named Derek whom my new drivers ed teacher predicted would fall madly in love after class and fail to remember what time his ranges were :] Haha sure......
And that's just this week...Second quarter here we come! :]
Monday, November 7, 2011
Weddings, Bite Marks, Boys, and Mullets\
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