First off...Wow I had no idea how many people read my blog! Well...We're editing my life significantly :] Anywho...I've been lazy so here's a ton of pictures from November! :] But before that...Memorable moments in Hannah history [Excluding Thanksgiving weekend where I chilled with both families, went blonde again! got a hair cut, hung out at Sharpie's where we watched the illusionist...So confusing. and endless hours wasted at school :]]
-I was watching New Girl...[Love that show!] and Schmidt was "Parkcore" and ran on a wall...I attempted this, hit my head and bruised my ribs and got banned from parkcore by Tyler and Jennifer :[
-The cutest old man came to talk to us about train safety in Drivers Ed. For an hour and a half! He's cute but he didn't get animated until the last 10 minutes..If it wasn't for Berry [Yup that's his name :] I like him :] I'd have fallen asleep...Instead we had "Train Safety by Berry." Much better :]
-Gabe brought a package of pipe cleaners...I mean...Fuzzy sticks to the balcony and gave each of us one that matched our hair color so we could make fake mustaches...Me and Tyler got in a tickle fight with them ["Thus perverting the ways of the fuzzy sticks"] and Dion got a little too elaborate with his...bringing back the dreaded British accent......Fail.
-Tyler Barnyard's coming up this weekend which is always good news, and we're making plans to go to temple square :]
-Me and Gabe walked Jennifer to the choir room when running into Tyler on his way to the band room and decided we're going to make lots of untalented people become our friends so we'll look crazy talented...Success :]
First off here we have my dad...I'm not going to put a label on his choice of clothing...My mom said it wasn't appropiate...Make up your own! :] [I guess it was turtleneck tuesday...Shudder...]
Gabe's shoe...There so worn out I thought the ripped white part was his sock...It wasn't, his socks were black. Mind blown.
Me and Brysan got suuper bored in health so he ripped his binder and me and Evan quickly performed surgery with a stapler...and repeated...
We had to give 5 minute presentations in World History...Me and "Grams" Heather were trying to draw the pope kicking the muslims to Grenada. Heather didn't know how to draw a pope so using our descriptions this is what we got...We's callin him "THE PONCHO POPE!" I love him :]
Gabe surprised Katie
This is THE perfect cake! Wedding moment :]
Katie and Erinn :]
Charlie the happy elf...when my mom decided 20 degree windy days were Perfect for yard work...
Poor little gnome
Jennifer calls this the fat face...She's waay underweight...I don't think there's too much fat to that face
Dal and Jennifer :] We partyed at the library and I read the strangest books on how to make the most extravangant sandwiches...Twas weird
Haha remember 11 11? I sure do! This was 11:11 am in Chemistry...Morton calming everyone for effect and the back of....actually I don't know this kid's name...but it's his head :]
Mack and Jennifer on the bus :]
Charlie with a bucket on his head while someone was teaching him Sexy and I know it...Who was that? :]
Good ol Brysan...cure to health class boredom
AMAZZZING CAKE! Multi layered pretty colored perfection!
I wish it was 11:11 again :/
That's a wrap :] Now to the homework I've been putting off....
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Who Wants Some PIC-tures? :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 4:43 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Craziness, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, High School, Love, My baby bro, Pics, Weddings
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Dear _________ Please _____________
I don't know if you've checked this out.....The website called totally found it by accident but it's SOOOO funny!
Here's some samples to get you excited...
Dear Fork, I understand that we haven't spoken since I ran away with dish, but I thought you should know that you have a son. His name is spork. He has your hair.
Sincerely, Spoon
Dear Cat, Sorry for hoisting you into the air whenever 'The Circle of Life' plays.
Sincerely, a Lion King enthusiast
Dear Americans, We totally agree with you about illegal immigration. Please allow us to show you to the nearest airport. Sincerely, Native Americans
Dear Justin Bieber, Roses are red, violets are blue. If I had a water bottle, I'd throw it at you. Sincerely, anonymous
Dear parents,Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinnochio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party.
Sincerely, it's not our fault, it's how you raised us
Dear Rubik's Cube, Done! Sincerely, Colorblind
Dear Miley, Wow, this is awkward. You weren't invited... Sincerely, The USA
Dear Waldo, Could I interest you in becoming a Horcrux? Sincerely, Lord Voldemort
Saturday we went to Derek's to celebrate the random return of Tyler Barnyard and watch Harry Potter 7 part 2....Difficult when Dalan starts spouting funny things and all the tender tearjerking parts are only tearful cause your laughing so hard you cant breathe...Like
Malfoy and Voldemort's SUPER awkward hug [Like me and Gabe]
All the comments about Ron's physique
Awkard smooches
Gack! Swalled Voldemort! [Voldemort's death resulting in "old man flakies"]
And so much more :]
Love funny things :] Got anything?
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 7:34 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, Words to live by
Saturday, November 19, 2011
...I can't Go Through With It...
Gabe dared me to name this post "Funking Awesome" Because of the other day when he participated in a flash mob put on by the Improv Team, and meant to say he was doing the funky chicken but it came out funking chicken...but it felt wrong so I didn't :]
Here's what I did do!
Aysa turned 16 on the 12th and we partyed it up! We had dinner at her house...Her family decorated so extravagantly that walking into their already gorgeous ex-model home looked like a wedding! After being momentarily confused and dazed by it's beauty we all banded together to eat...and play with candles...Then the best part!
They bought these kits to make lanterns like on Tangled!!!!! CROSS THAT OFF MY BUCKET LIST!!! We parterned up to release them....Someone [COUGH COUGH] didn't realize she wasn't holding her and Tyler's lantern high enough...and somehow the lantern sorta caught on we didn't think it would fly...and after scraping the sidewalk for a few seconds it flew!!!!! SO HAPPY! Erinn made up the coolest analogies and made me happy :] Now that everything's out in the open I guess I'll just share the news
The lanterns are relationships :]
Sharpie and Erinn's took off as fast as could be.
Jennifer and Dal's came out of nowhere and almost hit some people in the head.
Mine and Tyler Edward's had a hole [Cough Ashlee] so we didn't think it would work and it flew just as high as the other two :] We're a thing, hold hands, send sweet texts, have long phone calls, I'm in love :] The end. :] Now you know
Then we went to the dance and had a marvelous time...Me and Tyler had injuries so we sat with Katie. They passed out balls and Gabe tried to hoarde all of them by hiding them behind me and Tyler. There were so many they were spilling out so we grabbed as many as we could hold and threw them at Sharpie :]
Then yesterday we went to HHS production of once upon the mattress...It was so funny and good! We have supreme actors in Herriman :] Especially Hannah Lofgreen :] Now Gabe is dead certain I'm trying out for the next play with him...Help me!
Now you know :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 4:33 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Graphics, Happiness, High School, Inspiration, Love, memories, Pics, Words to live by
Friday, November 11, 2011
Better than Christmas
SOOOOOO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 wish 1 lived to 115 so 1 could w1tness th1s great m1racle aga1n!
Th1s 1s how 1t went down...1 was so bummed 1'd be spend1ng 11:11 1n h1story by my lonesome when 1t was announced we had an assembly! So after that 1 got to spend 11:11 1n chem1stry w1th my Sharp1e, Er1nn, Derek, Aysa, and Tyler...1 celebrate every 11:11 so th1s was a b1g deal for me...So f1ve m1nutes unt1l...I l1teraly was shak1ng and g1ggl1ng...wh1ch made Tyler next to me laugh, wh1ch made Morton get mad at me and ask "WHAT THE HECK 1S SO FUNNY!?!?!" R1ght then 1t was 11:11 and k1ds were runn1ng to take p1ctures of the clock, 1 made 11 w1shes, and Tyler laughed so hard he was on the verge of tears....SO GRAND! AND GUESS WHAT?!?! In 8 hours we get to do 1t aga1n...1f you get a text....1t's me :]
P1ctures from chem1stry and ton1ght w1ll be added to th1s post tomorrow :]
[P.S. not1ce how my i's are all 1's? Pretty sl1ck huh? :]]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 2:55 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Craziness, Current Obsessions, Happiness, High School, memories, Words to live by
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Just Another Manic Thursday...
Revolving primarily around Gabe...People are going to start thinking I'm in love with the kid when really he's just around a lot and says funny things :]
Today was our first driving range [Funny story I wrote to remember aobut it on my hand and put my head on my hand and Tyler looks at me and says "You have a driving range today?" WHY!?!? "It's on your head..."] In my group is a bunch of dumb people, Oh Steven, this girl named Maddie, and dear Gabe. :] What you have to do is drive around a parking lot painted like roads for 2 hours at 5 mph and not crash. Welllll I'm one of the worst drivers known to man and Gabe's only been driving twice counting today so it was interesting to say the least...
I hate to break it to the world BUT I went 10mph...Shh! I also imagined my own lane once and almost hit a kid who then appeared right behind me whenever I did anything else stupid...hit almost every cone [Though didn't knock them down] and got so fed up with parallel parking I hit reverse and zoomed down the other way. When I first started going fast the instructor creepily came on my radio and said "406 Please control your need for speed." and when I whipped around he goes "Yes you...." Creepy!
Gabe took 15 years to START the car and then tried to park and hit the same cone...7 times at least through the course...The Same cone. Then crawled through the passenger seat to pick it up but his car went sorta backwards and almost killed me...Twas a party.
And that's just the shortened time one :]
Aysa made friends with this hot new kid today and he came to sit by us at lunch. His name is Jace...We shall see what becomes of him :]
Today someone was in a suuper weird mood and yelled Kathryn eats farts! And she replies "Your mean!" and didn't even try to deny it :] So funny!
Tyler went missing at lunch today so we were all worried and then when I called him after my range turns out he just went home to play Ping Pong with cricket...
You never know what's going to happen tomorrow!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:11 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Craziness, family, FOOFers, High School
Monday, November 7, 2011
Weddings, Bite Marks, Boys, and Mullets\
Typical combination right? :] Well tis for me! ;]
First off: Wedding
I know you probably wouldn't expect this [Cough cough cough...HACK HACK!] But I loooove weddings! Ever since the tender age of...young when I caught my aunt Melinda's boquet me and weddings have been tight ;] So when Katie decided she owed me a wedding since I hung out with her and missed one she offered to take me to her cousin's wedding :] it sounds creepy when you say it like thaat but it was so fun! I just took really bad really creepy pictures ;]
Who wants to play: Hey guess what that dark blob is? [me! me!]
This believe it or not is me and Katie
This also is me and Katie [Threw ya off! :]
I loved Brittney's dress! It was gorgeous! Though you can't tell...Haha
These were the rocks and the pond in the backyard...It was cold...My hand was SHAAAAKING and so this is what we have to work with :]
I wish I would've tooken a picture of one of her bridesmaids! Her colors were black, neon green, neon blue, and neon pink which sounds INSANE but was lovely and cool! And all the bridesmaids wore black with one of the color scarfs and matching vans! Holy cow I want me some neon vans :] SO COOL!
The beautiful bride and groom :] Dancing to one of my favorite songs "Are you going to kiss me or not?" which made me even more happy than I was before :]
I didn't get a picture of their Daddy daughter dance...To my daddy daughter song but It's perfect the end. :]
Cake before
Cake after [But before it was shoved in each other's face :]
This was DEFINITLY one of my favorite parts! They had this big poster like this telling their story and then had a basket full of little ones for us creepers to take :] Totally going down at my wedding! :]
Best part of the wedding? Hard to tell buuuut we were standing on the side of the dance floor with Katie's adorable cousin! And the best man asked me to dance! His name was Mike, he was attractive...but he lived in Washington so it was a deal breaker...Well that and when he asked how old I was and I told him 15 he was like WOAH! [He was 21....wouldn't have worked out between us...] :]
We sent them off with glow sticks and balloons, me and Katie both grinning and trying not to cry [And I didn't even know them! Ha!]
Congratulations Craigos! Thanks for letting me crash your gorgeous wedding :]
And now the bite marks...Today I was bored in Chemistry and I poked Sharpie's face so he turned and bit me! The bite marks showed? shew? shewed? for awhile...but I'm kinda dissapointing it's not going to scar...How legit of a story would that be??? :]
Oh boys...Love them...Hate them...Infuriate them...Tis wonderful! :] But the other night me, Tyler, and Derek went to Sharpie's house and had a marvelous time...First we got in the car and Sharpie drove us to a redbox [I can't believe he's so old!] and of all the movies we could've chose...We chose Rio! :] sure it was a little kid movie but I laughed sooo hard! It's so great [Like curious George!! I think I laughed harder than the little kids I was babysitting] Then Derek showed up and we had a nerf gun fight with Sharpie's little brother Hunter and his super stupid friend. It was so funny! The friend was about to shout me and Tyler puts on his serious face and says "If you shoot Hannah, I WILL shoot you." The smart kid turns and runs! Nice to know I have great brothers that have got my back :] It's a scary world out there! Then we watched Sharpie and Tyler play an intense game of ping pong, sat and talked, then noticed the time [I'm always getting in trouble for not being responsiblie enough] and learning I had two minutes to get outside to meet my dad. So me and Tyler jumped up and booked it up the stairs [I tripped...and yelled dramatically "Save yourself!" but he just helped me up :] threw our shoes on, ran out the door, and got a text from my dad saying he had to get gas...So we had a lovely chat and watched the snow fall down :]
Now mullets...Dear Gabriel likes to push the boundaries of socially acceptable when he gets haircuts... Don't worry...he's shaving it off tonight :] Love him anyway but he's a nut. With a mini paint set...and a buttload of Pixie Sticks [I think he ate 18 in an hour] and a little friend named Derek whom my new drivers ed teacher predicted would fall madly in love after class and fail to remember what time his ranges were :] Haha sure......
And that's just this week...Second quarter here we come! :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 4:56 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: FOOFers, friends, Happiness, High School, Pics, Weddings
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Gabe That Started Them All....
This post is mainly revolved around Slim Jeans as I spent all but two hours without him today and he was making me laugh so hard!
First off though...Jennifer was sleeping on the floor of the balcony and my brothers were playing tag and Sharpie tripped over me and kicked her in the head...She woke up super unfocused and then started shaking violently. Me and Gabe rushed her to the nurses and there we sat with her throughout all but ten minutes of the last day of careers talking to her...If it hadn't been such horrible circumstances it would've been a heck of a lot of fun! :]
Other random hilarious Gabeisms...
-Jennifer was talking about nap time in kindergarten and Gabe was like "I didn't have nap time we had simulating shape time." "I was always like...No, I don't want to make a mural out of triangles."
-We were suuuuppposed to have breakfast in careers today and since me and Gabe are oh so smart when asked to bring beverages I brought Cherry Coke, and Gabe brought Sprite :] We both looked at each other and nodded simontaneously saying "breakfast of champions" then Gabe said "Mmmmmmm maybe more like breakfast of fourth place....but who's counting!?"
-Then he started singing this song to the tune of Barney "I am hot...You love me...for my sexy boddddy!" He got a loooot of weird looks ;]
-Then we were discussing pet rabbits we've had growing up and I shared the story of my aunt's rabbit Toodles who ran away and got eaten by dogs...Gabe then explained that the neighbors were allergic to chicken and wanted soup so they were forced to eat Toodle Noodle Soup....Jennifer was mortified.
And that concludes the storys of Gabriel....Tune in next time to hear Gabe say "I expostulate children!" :]
[Sounds dirty right? It was our vocab word...It means express disagreement :]]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 5:51 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: FOOFers, friends, Words to live by