Monday, September 20, 2010

Housten We Kind Of Have a Problem....

This is what I came home to yesterday...NO it's not my house but 4 houses have been burned to the ground pretty much where I walk and the entire mountain behind my house was on fire...Let's backtrack
My uncle Jon is leaving for Minneoplis on his mission Wednesday so we were all at my Grandma's in West Jordan. While there my uncle Randy told us that the COVE had been evacuated due to a fire. We knew there was a fire earlier because of smoke but we didn't really care because Camp Williams sets the hills on fire pretty much every year. BUT there was a ton of wind yesterday! I of course left my phone at home for once so the last 15ish minutes we were there I was FREAKING OUT cause Sharpie lives in the Cove!
Me Mom and Charlie left before my dad But nothing could've prepared us for litterally The WHOLE mountain line ON FIRE! I couldn't breathe I was so scared for my big brother and the rest of my siblings! Turns out Dad had the house key so we tried to card the door and it didn't work so we ended up taking the screen off of Charlie's window [which would've been really funny if I wasn't so freaked out] I hurried to call Sharpie and he answered with his usual Hey! and I demanded to know if he was OK and the jerk said "NO actually the fire caught my leg and now it's numb!" So I started freaking out even harder and he just laughed and said "Hannah it's Ok I'm fine I'm just chilling at Krysteen's" Then we talked a little bit more he made sure I was Ok and didn't have to evacuate and we hung up after explaining to each other we were NOT allowed to die!
Then I proceeded to call pretty much everyone else to make sure they were ok and to keep tabs on them all. Sharpie was the only one on mandatory evacuation but Jennifer Erinn and Kevin most definatly left.
We were all too freaked out to sleep so I got to bed around 1:30 still worrying about my friends in my sleep. But I eventually made it! Aparently though we were SUPER close to the boundaries of Evacuation around 2ish but we decided to stay here since my parents could tell we were going to be Ok. But still REALLY SCARY!
The aftermath: No one's died or been injured so far, 4 houses have pretty much been eaten, and around 1500 houses have been evacuated. The houses in the Cove are pretty much Ok I think. At least Sharpie's is? Everyone is either hanging out with friends or relatives or at the high school. School's been canceled today because it's in the evacuation zone. Mom says a bunch of people are ok to go back home but the roads coming in are all blocked. and I'm PEEVED at Camp Williams and want to do bad things to them :] But for now....THE END!


Heather said...

Wow. Thanks for the report. We've been sitting here wondering how everyone is down there with the fire. Craziness!! I'm glad you're all alright.