This was on my friend's blog & it looked fun! The object is to copy & paste the list of "99 things" to your blog & color the things you've done!!
P.S. I can't get the coloring thing to work so I'm just gonna CAPITALIZE THEM!
3. PLAYED IN A BAND [me and my sisters were messing around once
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
10. SANG A SOLO [for friends and family when I was about 5 does that count?]
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris [someday...sigh]
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. TAUGHT YOURSELF AN ART FROM SCRATCH [I learned how to ride my bike by myself. I know. I rock ;]]
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. GROW YOUR OWN VEGETABLES [we grew pumpkins once and now we have a garden]
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
22. Hitch hiked
23. TAKEN A SICK DAY WHEN YOUR'E REALLY NOT[when I was much younger] ;]
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors [possibly? without really knowing it]
35. Seen an Amish community
36. TAUGHT YOURSELF A NEW LANGUAGE [hannahslavakian and me&sydnee used to have our own]
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
54. GONE TO A DRIVE-IN MOVIE [there my favorite!!!]
55. BEEN IN A MOVIE [the temple celebration]
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. STARTED A BUSINESS [me and the guys across the street sold bugs for 25 cents for a whole summer]
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. SAVED A FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TOY [I still have all my Barbie things saved away in the basement for my kids]
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been a passenger on a motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person [sadly we went when it was closed]
80. Have been published
81. Visited the Redwoods
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Kissed a stranger at midnight on New Year’s Eve
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. MET SOMEONE FAMOUS [shannon hale]
92. Joined a book club
93. Got a tattoo
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake ( I will never! Sick, sick, sick!)
97. Been involved in a law suit
99. Been stung by a bee
Friday, April 30, 2010
99 things...
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:24 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: memes
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Still Too Lazy to Type but here's some graphics...
HAHA! Ironically this fits my personality perfectly and has my latest catch phrase on it :]
Bring back memories Katie? :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 4:06 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Graphics, Words to live by
Monday, April 26, 2010
Some More Pictures of Course...
The End. Haha Katie keeps laughing at me because I say that all the time when I finish telling her a long story, or sometimes just a sentence or two. We went to Smiths today and I think I bought enough gum to finish the year up...HOORAY!
P.S. this is reminding me that as soon as I e-mail the picture of Gabe and Bob Marley Jr. I will tell you about my contract and how I'm finally out of it if I name my first born child WOK. Yep I'm too lazy to do that today so goodbye! The End. :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 6:18 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Pics
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Family Reunion!!!
So like I've probably mentioned I don't really like sports [other than the occasional BYU football game] and Sharpie and Jennifer are the Total opposite...THEY LOVE IT! so they made a HUGE list of movies that at some point before we die have to watch together. So we decided that on Friday we should watch a few of them. Then we decided to invite ALL the FOOFers and have a big party at my house. HAHA! BEST FRIDAY EVER!'s in the top 5 I should say ;] It ended up not raining at all even though it was supposed to snow. [welcome to Utah where you don't know what the weather's going to be like until it happens] and so we all walked home [We being Katie,Sharpie,Me,Lindsey,Kevin, and Jennifer.] Gabe was supposedly going on a camping trip, Kasey had baseball, and Sara and Derek came later. On our way to my house Kevin kept whining that he didn't want to walk and he wasn't coming and all this random stuff. So eventually Sharpie stopped, asked me to hold his gym bag, and did this: HAHA! I love how in the left hand corner there was conviently a sign that says: STOP! DANGEROUS CONDITIONS! :]
Then we got to my house right on time to help my mom carry in groceries. Sara called right when I picked up two milk cartons so I carried them in one hand which hurt. Then I turned around and Sharpie had a huge flat of a ton of stuff in his arms. WOW! I probably should work out more ;] Then Sara came over after she ate her Ramen. Jennifer left for a second to go say good bye to the kids she nannies before they left on their cruise [Now we can hang out for a whole week without interuptions!] so we all sat in my living room and talked while Sara amazed us with her piano playing skills. We have a little rocking chair in there that my mom's great grandpa gave to her when she was little. So Sharpie looked at it and said "Do you think that would support a 6 foot tall person?" I told him it probably could so he sat in it for a little bit then got up and said "I can't sit in there anymore cause I'm worried it's gonna CRACK!" Then Jennifer came back with Forever Strong and a huge bag of candy. YUM!
Time for the first movie! We couldn't get Remember the Titans which is Sharpie's favorite movie so he brought a close second: Hoosiers which is a basketball movie. We being girls couldn't take it seriously because:
A.) The guys totally had these SUPER short shorts which made us laugh and get on the subject of guys having Hot legs which Kevin and Sharpie thought was stupid and weird that we thought like that...Here's proof of the hilariousness: *THUMP!* the sound I made as I hit the floor laughing HAHA
B.) This coach guy [i think?] was like 20 years older than this lady he was flirting with and eventually made out with. EW! that's what we all yelled when they kissed and made my mom laugh with our maturity
C.) The basketball players had short shorts and the cheerleaders appeared to be wearing polygamist skirts? What the heck? How long ago was this movie made? Oh yeah I was just informed by my mother that it was made while she was in high school...Whoops!
D.) We totally thought this guy was dead so we were freaking out until Sharpie promised us no one died in the movie. Later we looked over and he was laying on the mattress pretending to be asleep so we all yelled HE'S DEAD! but then he opened one eye and said I'm not dead yet! in a British accent to resemble Monty Python.
After that was over most of our candy was already gone and so was Kevin. Why? you may ask? Well he went to the Jazz game around an hour after he showed up. So I offered him a ride home and he said he'd just walk. Which it's like a 20 minute walk at least from my house to his. So he said he'd run. Which made us all laugh because this is the kid that had to be carried. :]
Our candy we decided was eaten by a famous FOOFer ghost Gertrude:
but then Megan told us that Kevin had crammed his pockets with the skittles before he left. Ruiened all our fun. Until Sharpie and Jennifer invented games like: Bounce the pixy stick on the matress to try to hurdle Jennifer's ankle and the cup spinning game.
Charlie woke up which gave us two guys at the party. At first he didn't like Sharpie because his feet hung over the edge of the mattress so Charlie couldn't get through as easily so he gave him a dirty look. But then he decided to be friendly and pat Sharpie's leg as a sign of brotherhood.
Sharpie thought it was kind of weird being the only boy over the age of 5 there so we kept trying to get a hold of Derek who said he was coming over a little bit later. His mom is from Chile so she has this really cool accent but it was really hard to understand her. The first time she called she told us he was walking the dog. Then the other times we called he was still walking. The final time she sounded like she said "He isn't at the house yet? He went walking there a long time ago!" which ended up being he wasn't at his house yet and had been walking for a long time. But we didn't know that so we kept worrying about him and thought that he'd either gotten lost, been eaten by Gertrude or worse...WESLEY! [in case you forgot Wesley is our creepy stalker guy who wears this shirt: Haha jk the shirt is too good for him. So we were nervous till the last time we called and it was DEREK! YAY!
Then he came over while we were making homemade pizzas like this beautiful masterpiece of Sharpie's that was just a smiley face til he wanted sausage so it ended up looking like a bearded man or eventually THE SASQUATCH! or as someone Jill knows SACAGEWEA!
Then my mom said that she bought anchovies so she made me try one with her which was disgusting because they're so salty! and I don't like fish in the first place. Then Sharpie and Derek ripped one in half and Sharpie got mad because Derek gave him "the bigger half" and so they swapped and ate it after we took this picture:...YUM!
after Sharpie ate it he said "those weren't so bad" then dashed over to the sink to grab some water. Then he yelled "THOSE THINGS HAVE MORE SALT THAN THE GREAT SALT LAKE!" Haha.
Then we ate and Charlie played with Derek for a few minutes. Then instead of watching Forever Strong and The Three Amigos we went outside and played the funnest game of Keep Away ever! Guys versus Girls yet the guys kicked our butt cause Sharpie is stealthy and you think he's right behind you and then he's over there catching the ball. However it was also a great workout. I look like a body builder now :]
We took a breather for a little bit and colored with chalk on my basketball court [Jennifer wrote the top Sharpie wrote the middle and I wrote the bottom...Haha a trashtalkin sandwhich] Plus I didn't notice until I went outside yesterday that above Jennifer's writing is the word Wrong! suspiciously looking like Sharpie Howerd's handwriting...Hmmm the words perfect are all smudged because everyone kept trying to smear the words.
We ran inside for a minute to catch the score of the Jazz vs. Nuggets game because Sharpie and Katie bet each other cookies who would win...Katie and everyone but me and Lindsey [who don't care] like these guys: but Sharpie likes these guys the best but basically whoever plays the Jazz has to win for him to be happy:
Haha guess who got their butts kicked and guess who owes Katie cookies right about now? :]
Then we played a game of murder which me and Jennifer won being the murders once and then went back outside to play a couple rounds of Hide and Seek in the dark. Plus Derek taught Sharpie how to do the worm [but the picture somehow didn't make it to my e-mail so I only have it on my phone and I've already sent a ton of texts to put pictures on here so I will have to wait for another day SORRY! :]]
The last round Sara was it and I wedged myself under a small picnic table, Lindsey hid behind me, Jennifer hid in the weeds by my back porch Derek hid in this teeny tiny little kid playground castle and Sharpie ran and hid by my neighbors fence. All in the backyard. Sara eventually gave up even though Katie was helping her so we were all calling her name and Sharpie was hiding over by the corner of my house to spy on her and thought she was coming so he somersaulted down the yard and back to his hiding spot while waving back at me cause I was cheering and waving. Then it was time to go home. Derek had to help me out from underneath the table :]
We gathered up everybody's stuff and nonexistent candy and piled everyone into the old Honda van. Then we rocked out to Taio Cruz's song Break your heart and were all laughing and talking until one by one everyone was gone :[ And I didn't fall asleep until midnight because I was too happy. THANK YOU FOOFers FOR BEING MY BEST FRIENDS AND HAVING A BLAST!
And now since this post wasn't quite long enough here's some more pictures:
So these last or first couple of pictures are of us FOOFers that sweet tan line and Sharpie these past two days in art class where were making tape sculptures as a group [show you a picture when ours is done] but here is Sharpie being wrapped up and then we have to cut the tape off of him and we did his foot the other day and as we put it "he had a meltdown because he accidentally cut his sock" but as he puts it "ALL I SAID WAS DANG IT! I CUT MY SOCK!" Hee Hee who do you believe? ;] Well that's about it so sorry for sucking up your time and see you soon as we continue the adventures of my fantazing life with my amazing friends :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 11:36 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Graphics, Happiness, memories, Middle School, My baby bro, Pics, Words to live by
Monday, April 19, 2010
You probably know who Miley Cyrus is but let's play a guessing game to see who this awesome Michal Ceaver dude is...
-My dad told us in the car on the way to church he hears his latest song on the radio all the time
-He collaberated with Ludacris
-He sings like a 12 year old girl
Give up??? IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!!!! :] Haha we have teased him nonstop about that for days! [Miley Cyrus is just what Kathryn yells all the time because of the commerical for Furry Vengenance that we think is funny]
Haven't heard the songs Billionaire/heaven can wait/everybody in love/everything/haven't met you yet/i'm awesome? WELL WHADDYA WAITIN FOR???? GO! LISTEN! LOVE! :] that's what me and Heather have been saying to Sharpie all week because he said we listen to gangster music. Then he listened to Billionaire cause me and Heather have been singing it in art class all the time. He loved it and sang it to us today. Guess what was stuck in our heads today? Yeah. P.S. DON'T GO SEARCHING FOR I'M AWESOME BY SPOZ!!! LISTEN TO IT ON THE RADIO OR MAKE SURE IT'S EDITED FIRST BECAUSE IT SAYS THE F WORD ALL THE TIME!!! which we told Sharpie but he ignored the warning and it made him a bad person...HAHA Jk that would never happen he's a scout! I am a scout in training and he is my scoutmaster and gave me the scout laws on a piece of paper. [I was trying to memorize it one day and relized he TOTALLY left off Cheerful so I tease him bout that MWAHAHA]
Mrs. Bowles has been our sub for the past forever while Mrs. Dowdle has her baby and we all hate her and she all hates us. Today she was stupid enough to switch me and Seth [Seth claimed I couldn't see the board so he could sit by his pal Cody] and so now I sit right in between this cute guy Dax and Gabe. Yeah you read that right GABE! It was soooo funny today in class.
-He made this face out of an index card and a paper clip that has a moving mouth named Bob Marley Jr.
-P.S. if he ever asks you to sign a card to use as a magic trick JUST SAY NO! he turns it into a contract! Now I have sold my soul to the devil and I either have to dance every single dance at every single stake dance for the rest of my life with Sharpie or I have to kiss Derek on the lips (whispered...FOR A WHOLE MINUTE!) that's what he told me Then he wrote it down, folded it up, and stuck it to the back of Bob Marley Jr. using ABC Gum. Yum. DON'T WORRY! I won't do it. Sharpie's my lawyer.
-Mrs. Bowles' daughter is Dax's big sister's best friend so Mrs. Bowles kept talking to the arguing Dax saying "Don't mouth off Mr! I have your sister's #in my cell! I know where you live! I know what your mom's name is! I know your phone #! Which me and Gabe laughed forever about cause that's super creepy!
-Gabe said something to me when we weren't supposed to talk and Mrs. Bowles comes over and says "what gabe?" and he told her something different and she goes "OH! your soo funny gabe!" Haha.
-Gabe likes to tease Jennifer a lot so here are some of the things he told me and told me to put on the ol' blog using Jennifer's name:
-[insert name of person you don't like here] so fat it takes a bus and three trains to get to her good side...Just Kidding! She don't have a good side!
-[INOPYDLH]is such a sucky football player she threw a football at the ground and missed!
-[INOPYDLH]is so dumb she couldn't tell up from down if she got three guesses
-[INOPYDLH]is so poor, I went to her house and grabbed a paper plate, and she told me not to use the good china :] That one's my favorite
Signature Gabe: Haaaaa! said in obnoxious tone :]
P.S. I have a picture of Gabe and Bob Marley Jr. and it will be up sometime.
Me and the FOOFers are having a movie night most likely on Friday and I'm so excited!!! It was originally just me Sharpie and Jennifer hanging out and watching sports movies until I love them. But now all the other brothers want to be included and me and Sharpie will probably do our Goldfish/Skittles eating contest then :] I HOPE IT HAPPENS IT WILL BE SOOOOO FUN!!!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:19 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, Words to live by
Friday, April 16, 2010
Jaws Of Heck...HAHAHA!
So I have forgotten to post about Rudel's History class lately which basically sucks because it's one of the funniest class periods of the day and goes by pretty fast which is awesome because it's the last class period. Plus since our class has all three pod classes together, we're almost like one big crazy family. We even call Mr. Rudel "Elder" or "Father Rudel" depending on how we feel that day. Kyle, Dillan, and Seth are the funniest ones in that class because they shout out funny things:
-Like the other day we were talking about the slaves having to pick cotton and Kyle says "My grandpa picked cotton once and he said it was like opening the jaws of HECK*!" but he didn't say heck so he was abruptly slapped.
-We had to invent raps one day about history and Cody and Seth were partners and made one up to the tune of "lollipop" that went kind of like this: Washington Washington oh washy washy washy washington! Come on cody tell me why his hair was whiter than a polar bears...."
-Today Maddie brought us all Tootsie Pops that were in a red white and blue bag. We proceeded to eat them in English and annoy the heck out of our sub.
-In history Kyle stole the bag and made a hat out of it.
Rudel decided that we wouldn't have enough time to finish the "game" so we were going to discuss the test but we spent the entire class time laughing...Why? Well he was telling us why he likes teaching 8th graders better than the high schoolers:
-He looked as Kyle and his hat and says well because they're HILARIOUS! 7th grade wouldn't know how to make a hat if they had someone holding their hand through the way. 9th graders would be too cool to wear them but 8th grade think it's the coolest thing ever.
-Then he stole Kyle's hat and Kyle says DON'T THROW IT AWAY IT'S PATRIOTIC! and Rudel says it's not patriotic, this my friend is the jaws of heck* :]
-Then we were laughing because Dillan was eating a blue sucker and Trying to turn his ENTIRE tongue blue
-Plus a lot more but there was a lot I don't remember and you just had to be there.
At lunch I was telling Jennifer and Sharpie how when I was at Wingers yesterday with my family we did the 2 for $20 and it came with a HUGE piece of pie that had a lot of whipped cream so I took an accidentaly huge spoonful of it and my mom told me I had to eat the entire spoonful. So I did and none of it even got on my face! So I was proud of myself and Sharpie yells "You didn't get any on your face and didn't have to wear a bib...Good job! I'm so proud of you!" Then later I was telling Katie if I cleaned my house we could probably have a sleepover tonight. So Sharpie yells again "WOAH! NO BIB AND A CLEAN ROOM LOOK WHO'S GROWING UP SO FAST! I'M SO PROUD!!!" HEHE that was enough to put me in a good mood...until of course Wesley snuck up behind me and gave me a hug uuuuuuhhhhh....Shudder! :] But seriously though...that kid is the most pshychotic stalker and of course he follows US around.
Well that's basically it so TATA!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 4:21 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, Words to live by
Friday, April 9, 2010
Let me tell you...basically since the day I met Sharpie we've had a Who's Better? Utah or Arizona fight/war! It continued today from the end of 3rd period clear to the end of 7th when Sharpie declared a truce because he didn't want to Shun me any more :) So at lunch me and Lindsey were working together to come up with reasons why Utah's better. He always had a comeback too...Here are some of our most memorable ones P.S. S=Sharpie M=Me:
-Arches S: Oh GREAT! I'm giving up because I can't come up with a better reason than ARCHES! M:I MEANT ARCHES NATIONAL PARK!
-Fry Sauce S:I don't even like fry sauce!
-Lindsey says Polygamy! S: Oh wow Arizona can't possibly win against Arches, Fry Sauce, and the Polygs!
Haha! That's basically all I can remember :) But he was mad at me!
But that also could've been because today at gym he was downstairs playing volleyball but I was upstairs walking on the track because we had options and I'm still in recovery (Heather and Sharpie kept making fun of me in art class cause I couldn't talk off and on) with Nina and Sammi so his team hit it so hard once it landed on the track (our gym is two stories with the track being above the gym so you can lean over the rail and jump into the gym if you wanted to break your neck)
so I ran over and threw it back to him (which us being so in sync he caught it right where I his hand) The second time it happened I was kind of far away but 3 girls just looked at it so Sharpie eventually decided to run up the side stairs to grab it. I saw this as a perfect oppurtunity to haul butt over there and throw it back to his teammates before he could :) I thought he would catch me before I could since he's so fast but it was over the railing before he even showed up. Then he ran up the stairs, looked around for a minute, then pointed at me and yells "HANNAH!" HAHA! Then I said "I love ya buddy!" in a innocent way and he said I'M SHUNNING YOU! and ran down the stairs :) Best.Gym Period.Ever MLIA :) (go to that website)
So there is my eventful day with the best big brother in the world. The End. :) Love, CHIPS :)
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 2:57 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School
and I'm finally well enough to go to school! (I've had the flu for 2 days and didn't go to school yesterday!) Hooray! this will be the best one yet except that Sara's probably not going to go. :( Here are some quizzes I've been taking until carpool comes in 20 minutes :)



Ok carpool will be here any minute so talk to you Sundayish :) BYE!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:39 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Confusion, Current Obsessions, Happiness, memes
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Pictures Anybody??? :)
Why Hello!
The one of me and Sara, Katie, and Lindsey is from the first stake dance :)
P.S. The one of the cardboard Mexican guy is one of the 2 people Mr. Loughary had on his wall that the boys in my class messed with daily which led to their removal :( The one with Zach or the little boy with the binkie is where my other cousin Livvy bit him on the cheek AHM! :) See ya!
P.P.S. That poster with Zac Efron is from National French Week that me and my friends loved the most and he's saying "MY HAIR IS SO ATTRACTIVE!" :) In case I haven't said before thats what me and Jennifer were looking at and we were talking to Sharpie and saying Your's is the Zac Efron one Right? then turned around cause he wasn't answering and he was trying to pull his head out of my locker...HAHA! Good bye for reals now!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:41 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, My baby bro, Pics