Here goes...It's going to be harder than originally planned...Bear with me
WEDDING EXPO from May[ish] with Jennifer Anne:
These pictures are chock full of dresses, beautiful details, and smokin hot men :] 3 Of my favorite things in the world :]
Good lookin
My favorites from the show! The dress was beautiful, the model was gorgeous and did you get a look at that guy? :]
Love it
Mmmm dresses
Me and Jennifer...we're babes ;] My teeth date this picture :] Haha
Holy cow! That guy!
We liked her hair
looooove the middle dress!
This one too
We got our hair done all professionally like
My hair
We were being super creepy...I asked for the same things she got...Now if only I had super shiny, glossy, dark, beautiful, Asian hair...
Real couples with the guys designing their dresses out of paper to win a rocking honeymoon=kicks and giggles
Beautiful Beans and her lovely hair
I love wedding dresses...It's an unhealthy obsession
Cool invitation
Probably sooo off with the tags and timing but it was such a great perfect day!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:46 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, memories, Weddings
Ain't Nothin' But A Memory...
This Christmas Eve I found my camera cord! Tis a truly remarkable feat to say the least. But now I have pictures from at least a year ago I simply can't go without sharing...Even if they're the pictures from girls camps past, or the bridal show I went to back when Jennifer had long hair, or a party I can't even remember the day of? Right? I figure if I get them on here they won't be forgotten forever and lost in the recesses of the seldom used red digital :] Stay tuned.
Also...I've been re reading blog posts of yesteryears and laughing my butt off over the ooober random phrases that have made me into the crazy I am today :] I enjoy life. I enjoy Christmas. and I enjoy homemade chocolate. The end.
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:08 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: memories
Quick and painless jots for ya :]
*I spent all of one Saturday at Tyler's house doing a horrid History project [Oh the joys of high school] but had insane amounts of fun with the Rindlisbachers :] They're most likely one of my favorite families :] His parents are sweet, Scott's entertaining, and Brett's hilarious :] Though I think I'm either his new best friend, or he has a creepy crush. He's in 5th grade...Don't think that's going to take off :]
*This is my christmas dress..These days when your my age, you want a nice modest dress you get mini skirts and skank tanks. So I headed for the little girls dept. Success! I love being little :]
Jennifer walks to the library every day after school to be with Dal and I accompanied her...Sharpie can't drive people but he could take himself so he was our pack donkey. In order to model for this...He hiked up his shorts and shot us a winnning smile :]
Legit pop tarts at young womens
Gabe's missionary brother bequeathed him these clear glasses with plaid rims, and wore them all day. It was harder to recognize him...Of course he didn't want his picture taken...We both felt like being purposly late to 2nd period [Guess it's a rebellious teenager thing] So this commemeorates that time
*I was super sick Monday night-Wednesday so didn't go to school and was ready to die! Missed my clan! And missed my roads test and our clan's singing performance in seminary..Gabe was mad. But I did watch Transformers for the first time :] I love that movie
*I picked up Charles and yelled "This is my baby babushka!" and now he calls himself "Booshkot" Weird little man...
*I have a super unhealthy obsession with the song "I'm sexy and I know it." I'm seeking professional help
*Tyler possibly broke his foot/severly bruised it running into walls and being jumped on by Scott so we're worried for his health
*I infected the world with my yuckiness...Everyone's sick
*Gabe forced me to try out for the school play with him...All that stressing and I didn't make it :] Haha called that! But Gabe and Dion did so we're all excited :]
*We had a white elephant party at lunch yesterday :] I love how middle aged woman Gabe is :]
*This is legitamatly magic Coke...It was standing like this on the drinking fountain at school....It became a celebrity instantly
*Tonight's Christmas Eve. I'll be up at 2 and get an hour and a half of sleep! Yes!
There's my life or lack thereof :] Over and out. Merry Christmas :]
[P.S. I'm not being stupid or illiterate...Decembre is either Spanish or French...Can't remember which one :] Being bilingual hurts :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 10:39 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, High School, Pics
I Love To See The Temple
One of my favoritest places in the world and by far the highlight of the Christmas season...and I went twice this year :] The first time was with the youth of my ward...So great. They're all phenomenal indiviuals and make me giggle till my sides hurt :]
Mack and Katie
Jennifer could be a model...Me and Gabe will hook her up ;]
Mack and Katie again...Is this all the pictures I took?
Then Saturday morning we went as a ward to do baptisms...Everyone was there! So many people I knew including all the Rindlisbachers. So it was a mini family reunion [Although in hushed voices, and brief hellos of course] Great experience
Then that night third times the charm...IT'S THE CLAN!
[I took super bad pictures but they're refusing to upload...I'll get em when I can]
We decided we were adult enough to ride the Trax by ourselves...So we set up ground times, got all frazzled trying to figure out who was taking who and finally left! Except..I told Tyler the wrong time so the late Hannah caravan was even later due to chilling at the Rindlisbacher's longer than usual. I left Gabe and Sharpie in the car with my mom...They weren't too happy with me. Sharpie wore his trenchcoat he recently recieved from his brother and if you look at the pictures he looks like a posh British man...even though Erinn thought he looked like a flasher. We were almost late for our train so we were running to the kiosk like crazy people and sat down in the nick of time. Our train from Daybreak to West Valley was empty. We were the only ones so we were giggling like maniacs and having way fun. Then we got off and found TYLER BARNYARD! Oh how glad I am that we see him a lot! When we got on our other train to Salt Lake it was PACKED. As in no seats already a bunch of people standing by the doors and add in all of our clan:
-Aysa's friend Shady
Wow. So we were all standing and the train started and our whole group went WHOOP! and flew backwards onto people...Except for like 5 people. So we all latched onto each other and tried to maintain balance. Hannah struggles with balance anyway, so thanks be to Tyler for having amazing reflexes and being able to catch me before I shmushed the elderly people behind me. There was this creepy little kid that looked about Charlie's age who kept staring at me like he was just waiting for me to go all crack head and kill everyone in the train...So I would stare at him back and when he wouldn't look away I'd be like what the heck!? Tyler holding onto me was alarmed it was him and was like "what?!" then when I'd point at the malicious little kid, he'd look away and pretend he was an innocent tot. Tyler thought I was nuts :] Till the little kid's guard slipped and Tyler caught him. HAHA...maybe I'm reading too much into this...
Then Tyler Barnyard was trying to count off everyone so we didn't all die and he said Burt. Me Tyler and Sharpie were confused as to whom Burt was so we decided he was our imaginary friend. :]
When we got off it was briefly chaotic and so everyone was yelling at each other like this. Aysa yells "Jennifer!" Jennifer yells "Hannah!" Hannah yells "Tyler!" Tyler yells "Burt!" Pretty funny :] Except no one else got our joke :]
Then we was a walkin and eating our delicious white chocolate trail mix Aysa Louisa made. Then we went and saw the Joseph Smith movie...Holy cow. I've seen it before and it probably won't be the last but it's such an incredible movie. If you haven't seen it, watch it. Your testimony will be so strengthened. Joseph Smith was a prophet and he couldn't have done all of those things without the strength of God.
Then some of us bought hot chocolate while others of us, namely me and Lindsey, tried to find a bathroom and almost walked into the mens. Our brothers wouldn't let us live it down. Then we heard bagpipe players and couldn't find Gabe! So we were terrified and me, Tyler, and Everett went looking for him. We followed the melodious sounds of the pipes and sure enough there was Gabraham entranced by the Scottish lad. Bah.
We journeyed to the reflection pond and there we sat and talked and had a jolly old time. I also recieved some answers to my prayers and it was a great experience.
Then we were all feeling oober sleepy so we ran back to the train, passing...cops? Then we saw caution tape and blood everywhere! I felt waaay sick so Tyler and Everett helped me sit down. We all sat around speculating if the guy was shot or stabbed [Dal watched the news...Turns out a drunk guy fell and broke his nose. Jerk.] Then we got on the train...It wasn't as crowded so some sat some leaned against walls and layed on each others shoulders. Then a guy got on with his bike, dropped it, and bent to pick it up. Whooomp! Instantly 5 guys circling me. I guess when he bent down a HUGE knife fell out of his pocket. [My brothers are all very obsessed with knives, so if this scared them, well....] Then we sat down, stood up, and sat back down for these very ungrateful elderlies. And then we were all sitting kind of falling asleep, and talking. When what did my ankle feel? SOMEONE GRABBED MY ANKLE! So I jumped up, fell on Everett and flipped around. Twas Gabe. Then we all waited for parents to come get us and instantly fell asleep when our heads hit the pillow. We want to do this again in May and make it traditions! It was so great! The end :]
Worst pictures ever? Check :] All from Trax... Dal and Jennifer..Twas cold
Sharpie's trench, Shady, and Brysan's noggin
Dion, Tyler, and Sharpie [We played musical chairs]
Brysan stole my camera and tried to take pictures of the elusive Gabraham
Somwhere along the way an elderly took our picture...Aysa and Jennifer have it I'll have to get it from them.
And there you go...Maybe our activities can save us from our crazy ways :] Naaaah :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 9:45 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Church, Craziness, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, Inspiration, Pics
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Hannah the Hiccuping Wonder...
-Guess who had the hiccups from lunch till she got home yesterday? That's 2 1/2 hours! Gabriel tried everything...Just didn't work.
-Berry pulled another "magic trick" today...He kept wiggling his fingers over his paper and it would wiggle...I was so concentrated on the paper mysteriously moving I didn't notice he was blowing on it. Fail.
-This kid who sits in front of me and Jennifer in math told us he was going to write all the crap we say down so he can turn it into an award winning book someday...Quite reminds me of the time on the way back from Lagoon when the chubby boy next to me yelled "You guys are better than cable!" at me and Emma.
-When we got to school today there was a fire/Gas spill/I have no idea so we had to go cram into the gym...Gabe pulled off his pants so when the firefighters could run by he could get them signed...Don't worry the boy had shorts on underneath! But the firefighters blew him off...
-We got our Christmas tree up yesterday! Can you believe it??? I'm kinda stressin out..just a little...GACK!
-On top of that Gabe talked me into auditioning for the play with him next week :[....So very nervous.
-But we're going to Temple square with the youth tomorrow, it's the stake dance, and the next Saturday we're going back to temple square with the clan [On the Trax! It's gonna be so epic!] So this unbearably slow week should be great! See y'all then :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 5:19 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Craziness, Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, High School