Saturday, July 30, 2011

State contests!!!

SO this was about 3 weeks ago [;] Don't judge my highlights edition :]

-State contests is for 4H....don't ask me what exactly 4H is...I have no idea how to explain it.
-Basically I did a contest and was able to go to state because of it.

-Which means I got to stay in dorms up in Logan
-With my room mate Bailey :] She's sooo sweet!

-We kicked things off with moving into our very creepy dorms
-Then we chilled in the quad and played games and ate Aggie ice cream [Delicious]

-Then we got to sit through a very boring meeting/orientation thingy.
-The ambassadors video was waaay funny though! It went through all of the rules and the new ambassadors are all girls except for one super attractive Mitch. So he was the rule breaker...and got hit by a car for not wearing his namebadge, struck by lightning for going off of campus, and getting ran over yet again for not riding in a county vehicle :]

-Then me and Bailey had our fashion review contest and I had to go to a fashion strategies contest a little bit later so in between we went and watched the singing contest.
-The people who won were THE cutest couple!!! Me and Bailes may or may not have stalked them throughout the 3 days ;]

-after that we took naps in our dorms :]

-And then we had county night out where we ate delicious sandwiches that were tiiiny but the cookie was monstrous...which filled us right up ;]
-We went ice skating but I wasn't feeling so great so I watched
-Then we went up in the canyon and made smores with a bunch of other countys...and me some REAL LIFE HICKS!!!!!! I WAS SOO EXCITED!!! they kept calling us city folk and talking bout their animals and tractors..One of them was even cute :] If they weren't such dang flab jerks I would pursue this relationship :]

-Then lights out....Me and Bailey attempted a late night vending machine run..but they caught us

was an adventure :]
-Me bailey and our friend Christy wandered around campus eating food and seeing the hidden sights :]
-We went into a really old building that all the doors were locked but one and we thought we were being cool and breaking in...turns out its a muesem of anthropologie :]
-Our legs later hurt from all the stairs we treked across!

-We sat in our dorm for awhile as we waited for the rain to go away
-Then me and Bailey went to project redesign where you turned trash into clothes. We also tie dyed shirts and made drawstring bags

-Then came the banquet where all of us dressed up all fancy and ate fancy food [which was soo good]
-We also had to model our fashion review clothes we made which was nooo fun. I was blinded and almost walked off the stage. Dangerous business.
-We also got awards if we were awesome. Bailey won shears for her 3rd place.

-After that we had a dance which was like a stake dance but with lots of random hotties :]
-And then the late night party! There was unlimited soda machines and I hate to admit it...but I had like 4 cups of cherry coke.
-Me and Christy were BUURNED OUT so we watched Bailey play some games with a group.
-At 2 in the morning we finally got to our dorms and we stayed up for a little bit...Till we were stopped by some cleaning people.

-We just cleaned up and had a super fancy breakfast while watching other contests get their


Can you see us? If so it's Bailey, Christy, then me

This was me and Bailey's redesign outfit

Bailey and Christy and a flute playing statue

Me and a army guy..the day of the coke binge...See the crazy look in my eyes? ;]
get used to it ;]

On deck: Youth conference!

Also....I'm really happy cause Dalan's coming home from his youth conference today! Now I can text him all day again!!!! yay!!!!