Sunday, July 17, 2011


First off...I've been absentay. I went to state contests for 4H up in Logan from Monday to wednesday. I hung out with my clan that night. The next 3 days were spent up at youth conference. Now I have today and tomorrow I'm gone to 4H camp til Wednesday. I obviously don't have long so I'll finally get around to my fun night 2 weeks ago :] Haha

It all started at Mutual when we were combined with the young men. [That sentence alone makes me laugh.;]

We had a murder mystery party that tied into a murder in the book of mormon just with different names...At my table was me, Jennifer, Katie, Mack, Elysse, Elysse's brother Ethan, and Sister Strong. :] Haha

-My character's name was Mr. Fife. When Mack had to say my name he said Mr. Fi-Fay. So that was then my name
-Jennifer was passing out gum under the table and said she felt like she was dealing drugs..Mack proceeded to pretend to sniff his with THE most druggie expression in the world :] Hahaha
-Then Mr. Fifay was found unconsious next to the victim. So instead of being blamed, I just told everyone I was drunk...Right when the bishop walked by. Jennifer and Mack scheduled me an interview, and I blurted out the first excuse I could think of: I'll be in Vegas....Smooth Hannah.
-At the end we had to tell Jesse who we thought the murderer was, but my group goofed of soo much we couldn't tell who it actually was. SO we decided it was a gang effort.
-Jesse then proceeded to say "Children, I know how much you love High School Musical, but sometimes we don't need to be all in this together" :] We all died!
-Turns out Katie was the murderer....It's always the quiet ones....

I also love my ward because of ward night at Youth conference [which was my favorite part] but that is a different story.

We will end saying I love my ward and everyone in it!