Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Escapades from FHMS

Well now that school's over I realized I never actually wrote about the zoo or the food bank...Just pictures. This is embarrasing so HERE'S the actual post :]

  • We went to the food bank for a second time. This go around we were in charge of grabbing broccoli out of a box almost bigger than me, and shoving it in bags. Sounds fun huh? Actually no. But I'm the kind of person to make fun out of anything!
  • Plus we got oober sweet hair nets so that was uplifting!
  • Emma is about 2 inches shorter than my tiny 5'4'' and so once the broccoli levels got low she just hoisted herself up onto the edge of the box so she was folded in half. At least she could reach finally.
  • Jarom [Lindsey's future] decided it would be funny to pick up her legs so she was basically in the box. Oh good times...
  • Karlie's team finished so fast that while the rest of us could reach, her team simply just threw her in the box to hand broccoli to them. We were all laughing at her cleverness and when the teacher came by she popped out at him and scared him half to death :]
  • Mack's friend Gabe [Not my Gabe] is in NJHS but since he's really obnoxious and a punk he was not allowed to go. Guess who snuck onto the bus without anyone knowing but Mack and Kimmy? Oh man.
  • We made sure to bring the hairnets back as souveniers and since we didn't want to walk all the way to seminary just to walk back me and Mack just chilled in Hartman's class with Aysa and Tyler :]


  • First off we were split up into groups of 5 people that were in biology. This was bueno as I got to kidnap Kimmy, Aysa, Derek, and Sharpie and take them with me. On the downside we lost a Tyler to his girlfriend, and had to leave everyone else at school.
  • I sat next to Kimmy on the bus which I assume made Sharpie jelous as he proceeded to squish and basically sit on me. Which made it easy to make him fall off the seat going around corners...;]
  • Me and Kimmy kept up our tradition of talking like hillibillies [Remember good old Jimmy C. and Cletus O.?] Well we decided to give Sharpie one too. He's now my daddy named Pil Rodriguez. Short for Pillium, Pillup, or Pillsburrie, whatever floats your potatoe.
  • As we were all going along talking in accents Sharpie got confused and started throwing in a couple British accented words in there. He goes by Chauncy Charles across the pond :]
  • Before we left it was pouring! So we actually pulled Gabe out of his spanish class and borrowed his umbrella. By the end of the day it was broken. :/ Good thing he didn't care if he got it back. But that could've been cause we made Aysa give it back...
  • It was so rainy and we only had an umbrella big enough for about 2 people [you know your standard size rain preventing utensil] but leave it to Sharpie to get us all under there! He wrapped his monkey arms around all of us and squished us in. The funny part was everytime he let go we all reflexivly stepped back getting wet. Sharpie got frustrated and pulled us back in until he gave up..Smart boy
  • First off we took a dandy jaunt through the giraffe house where we daydreamed of someday riding the smelly creature.
  • What's my favorite animal ever? A DINOSAUR! OH HOW I LOVE THEM! And for a limited time at Hogle Zoo they have these super fantastic giant robotic dinosaurs that move and make noise. OH SO AMAZING!
  • Over where we ate lunch they have a scale that you stand on and see how much you way compared to baby rhino, elephant, how much they eat, etc. But the very top was how much an elephant poops in two months. Well of course we all wanted to way that much. But not even recruiting around 3o people and Mr. Ball could we weigh anything more than a baby elephant. Disapointing :/
  • One of the elephants recently had a baby elephant. Me and Sharpie were rather obsessed with them eating. Especially because one was obviously so much better than the other one. So Sharpie decided the biggest one was the Sharpie elephant and the baby was the Hannah elephant. The Hannah elephant struggled getting the food all the way to her mouth so Sharpie was making fun of her and so I retaliated by getting Aysa and Kimmy to cheer for her as loud as we could. Way fun!
  • In the monkey house we caught up with our buddy Mack and had a great fun searching for the bald monkey and having a jolly time acting like monkies.
  • Since it was raining so hard we ended up getting Sharpie's second lunch and Kimmy's popcorn and sitting at the cafeteria table for a way long time. We just talked which is basically what always happens when there's more than one of us at an activity.
  • In the monkey house I was having difficulty staying awake so I kept laying my head on Sharpie's shoulder, which resulted with him laying his head on mine. By the way Sharpie has this horrible habit of spitting into bushes to clear his throat which I consistently call him out for. Anyhow we were chilling there "sleeping" when he pretended to snore..which sounded more like the noise he makes when he spits so I was mortified and he was laughing way hard.
  • On the way home Sharpie finally decided to let me be comfortable and he sat in front of me and Aysa by Derek with Kimmy and Mack across the aisle from me and Mr. Ball in front of them.
  • Sharpie didn't feel fantastic so he actually fell asleep on the way home for a little bit. Well. Actually he fell asleep after I messed with him a couple time of course!
  • Our bus driver both ways was named Tawn which made us chuckle. I don't really know why but it made for interesting predictions about her future as a bus driver.
  • Zack and Seth...Two of the most amazing kids ever brought their ukeleles which they play throughout the days. They were playing the prettiest version of "I'm Yours" to which the entire bus was singing to..
  • Until me Mack and Kimmy decided to bust out the loudest rendition of 99 bottles of beer on the wall. Since we were at the front however Tawn banned us :[
  • Mr. Ball was telling us the funniest stories of his youth and how he sluffed and such. Sharpie woke up at some point and was way too close to Derek and Mr. Ball was laughing and saying "Well Mr. Sharp here was probably thinking it was Miss.Smalley and woke up screaming "Oh my gosh I cuddled with a Derek!" Way funny!
  • Ball told me and Mack we were going to go to heck for not deciding to go to seminary. I assume if my future turns out the way my teachers predict I will be in a very messy spot indeed.
  • Other random tidbits include the Mckay sandwhich which is probably my favorite sandwhich indeed! It involves you being smooshed in between Mack and Sharpie. Perfect antidote to cold or lonliness. Love it!
  • Kimmy calls Mack Macaw so when we were looking for him in the bird house we were shouting MACAW MACAW and people were cautiously looking up at the ceiling :]
  • We never did find the laguana...Can somebody send me a picture so I can say I found it?
  • One thing about middle schoolers? We enjoy hugs in general. Especially when it's raining. However we don't generally think about a third of us holding drinks. Well lets just say there was a lot of spilled beverage on the floor
  • I don't remember exactly how the conversation went but at some point I was convincing Sharpie of my awesomeness after school and said "Some say Hannah and some say awesome" Not thinking that that didn't necessarily mean I was an awesome Hannah. Sharpie didn't think I was awesome after that let me assure you.
  • and the last part of that day? Erinn didn't go to school at all since we were all gone and Sharpie was having withdrawals so I asked him if he wanted a hug. So we hugged for a good long time until he chose that oppurtunity to "snore" BAH! MOMENT RUINED! :]
So even though it's been almost a month since this happened. I look back with only pleasant memories. :]