WELCOME TO THANKSGIVING IN VEGAS! Here's some things I'm thankful for
-Uncle Jeff's craziness [Thank heavens he's not wearing the loincloth from yesteryears :]]
-Sweet baby Gwen whom I just want to cuddle
-All the crud I ate today
-The warm cozy spots on the couch by my grandparents
-The fact that "Freeze warning" here means it's 40 :]
-The fact that Utahs been on the brink of a giant blizzard whilst I've been conviently gone
-The interesting things that come out of my grandpas mouth when looking at the Target dog "Have you ever seen a animal you just want to choke out?" Haha.
-The songs we sing around the table such as the fine title of this post written by Jeff
-That Mom&Jeff have preliminary rounds to decide where to go on Black Friday
-The amazing feat that Gwens jaw doesn't dislocate when she has her family famous yawns
-My phone to call my friends
-OH my friends...Can't you tell I love them?
-Just Vegas in general!!!! I LOVE IT HERE!
These are just a few of the things I'm thankful for...Have fun, eat turkey, wear a loincloth HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Looking like a CHUMP with your pants on the ground
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 4:49 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, Happiness, memories, Words to live by
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wanted...Uno Trailer.
Because I'm headed to Vegas next week for Thanksgiving and I'm bringing the gang. However I don't think the old 7 seater van can take it. So anyway got a sweet trailer? Right now Sharpie and Tyler Edward are planning on running alongside the van as long as we take a break in St. George. :]
Here's some random highlights from the past couple weeks:
-We just recently adopted the Tylers and I was so excited for the ceremony at lunch I was shaking. Jennifer just laughed till she started jumping up and down with excitement too..HAH!
-The other day I was not in the greatest of moods and I walked up to Sharpie with my face all squinched up in an onri way so he grabbed my face and was trying to make me smile and stop squinching. I asked him "What are you doing" He replied "I'm fixing your face!" Tyler Edward passed by and yelled "RUDE! YOU'RE TRYING TO FIX HER FACE!" We were in our small hallway so everyone turned to glare at Sharpie..Haha Mood better
-Derek got his eagle scout today I couldn't go but I'M SO PROUD OF HIM!
-I was eavesdropping on my parents last night [they were watching the news] and all the sudden my mom goes THEIR SENDING A GUY TO THE RAPIST!? Then she realized it said therapist.
-Lindsay Lohan's mom is trying to sue Glee for talking about her rehab visits and calling her loca. I thought my mom was going to pee when I told her, she was laughing so hard!
-The stake dance was soo much fun!
-We all sat on the floor at one point to sing Hey soul sister with each other and people gathered in a circle [This generally happens when people are dancing cool and they want to see] but they realized we were boring and went away
-I danced with my Lindsey a lot..I love her :]
That's all for today!
P.S. The whole all 12 of us coming to Vegas? Yeah not working so great for my parents so guess they'll have to stay home :[
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:55 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, Pics, Words to live by
Welcome to Our Family Now...
P.S. We're going to start calling them by their middle names to differentiate between them in case you couldn't tell.
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:55 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, Happiness, Middle School, Pics, Words to live by
Friday, November 12, 2010
What Can I say? I love them!
This is Charlie eating breakfast after I messed up his hair...He refused to take one without his favorite baby!
Lindsey came over the other day and I had her try on these jeans that wouldn't fit over my chub but are really expensive but were found at the DI for $5 bucks..Yeah there MOM jeans and Lindsey couldn't feel her butt to take them off. :]
More in the Lindsey category this is her and Tyler...AW! me and Jennifer were being creepy creepers but they're so cute it makes me sick!!!
This is the other Tyler we like to call Yohammad
We went on a field trip to our high school 5 minutes away and saw their production of "My Fair Lady" I'll have to add more details later but it was SOOO good! Except for the whole Sexist guy song but at least he was smokin hot! :]
Does this picture illustrate our fun? Not really but hey 2 hours in the same chair gets kinda old
Everyone told Sharpie his suit made him look like Obama me and Sharpie are the only ones that realized Obama is black and Sharpie is not apparently cause I don't think he looks like him. But the guys in the play were making this pose and so this is Lindsey meeting the president...Someday. :]
There's the horn which means it's my cue to go to school so see you later!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:52 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Confusion, Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, My baby bro, Pics
Monday, November 1, 2010
Forget About Trick or Treating....
PSH! Who cares if you can't go cause you're too old when you can PARTY IT UP ALL WEEKEND! [crowd cheering]
I'm Pretty sure I looked more manly than Gabe did on Friday. Plus Jennifer was Belle and I was a hobo so when we were walking down the hall people kept yelling "It's beauty and the beast!" I think I was the "beauty" :]
Jennifer's House on Friday:
-We ate dinner which consisted of Dead Man Meatloaf [Meatloaf in the shape of gingerbread men with knifes stuck in them and Ketchup blood!] and Mummy dogs [hot dogs wrapped in biscuits] and Jello full of gummy body parts.
-We played curses for awhile and had tons of fun
-We had a pinata and Sharpie knocked it open so Derek screams "CANDY!" at the top of his lungs and dives for the candy :]
-We started watching The ghost of Mr. Chicken but I was almost asleep and everyone wasn't really paying attention so on to our favorite place to jump THE TRAMP!
-The tramp is kinda old and we weren't being very careful so some of the springs popped off and One barely missed Tyler's arm but he dramatically rolled down the hill yelling so I freaked out! Then he laughed at me but we decided to be done with the tramp.
-We ran around the yard being the typical FOOFers we are.
-Me and Jennifer officaly got married legally this time [Jennifer's the man in this relationship :]]
-We were all picking each other up and I wasn't paying attention so Sharpie snuck up behind me and swooped me up so I got really scared cause all the sudden there was a gust of wind and I was Sharpie sized AH! He's taller than you think!
-We ended the night with Derek telling my least favorite ghost story which is scary
-Then it was just me Jennifer and Sharpie so we went inside where Sharpie scooped up all the remaining candy.
-Then he left so I left and decided to run home cause it's a street away but Jennifer was worried I was going to get mugged but I informed her I looked like a hobo no one would give me a second guess. Then RAN HOME AS FAST AS I COULD cause Derek's story scared me when it's dark and you're alone.
Love Derek's Face
Aren't these two cute? [Linds and Tyler]
The Small Ones Derek and Jennifer The Middle Ones Lindsey and Tyler [We were playing curses]
The tall ones Erinn and Sharpie
I don't know what Derek's doing but Sharpie looks murderous and Erinn's just cute ;]
My House on Saturday:
-When Sharpie got there we were talking about Trick or Treating and I said he was too old but I was Ok cause hes 15 and I'm only 14 he said "Hannah you're going to say that next year..You're 16 but I'm only 15" This made me wanna cry realizing that my big brother is getting so old he could die any day now!
-Yohammad/tyler came and we sat around waiting for Erinn and Giving candy to small children instead of mugging like we originally planned
-When she came we called Jennifer to see where the heck she was and she said she'd be there in a minute so I hastly hung up and we ran as fast as we could to her house to kidnap her! When she opened the door we pulled her out but her dad had to take a picture so we closed the door and tried it again.
-We watched I am Legend which is a wonderfully done movie but so bad at the same time! It has no point because the end it just ends and it's scary but at the same time it's more sad than scary [I cried]
-Then we took a snack break and gained ten pounds eating food and I won the contest for biggest mouth except maybe Sharpie's cause we didn't try. But I can fit 7 cheetoes and 3 fritos at least in my mouth.
-Everyone had to leave except Sharpie and Jennifer so we played Cranium with my parents and my aunt Jill and Uncle Jamey a.k.a the trash in my family since they kept swearing [Mom said it first not me!]
-Sharpie was drawing with his eyes closed and I guessed it right away...A toilet! They were all amazed at my logic :]
-Then he drew again but we didn't get it...it was a judge and my family thought it was a wonderful depiction but me and Beans kept thinking it was some sort of factory worker. He was angry.
Then sadly we had to get Sharpie home to butt brush before 11 so we ended the game but in our minds we won! The end!
Can you spot the differences between these pictures?
Tyler/Yohammad refused to get in pictures so yeah.
And there you have it! More fun than TOTing in the rain? OH YEAH! :] Love my friends!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 7:24 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, My baby bro, Pics