Guess who I am for Halloween? [Hint it's dirty has a beard and sleeps in a dumpster] A HOBO! Check it out! [Plus the girls being a ghost and witch]
We carved pumpkins yesterday but I missed the memo to go gut mine and then I was too lazy so I colored on it with Sharpies...Um Permanent markers! His name is Professor Splat and on the sides it says "Grr!" and "Get off my lawn!" also "Fear the wrath of Professor Splat!" Can you guess which ones mine?
Did you get it right?
It's also Red Ribbon Week and my guy friends and brothers have been insane all week!
Happy birthday hat modeled by Sharpie who was wiggling which explains his super fat left cheek that got shmoshed with his nose
Allergies modeled by Tyler [See why we think he's cute? :]] P.S. he was smiling but he thought it was done and moved but it looks like he's sneezing. P.P.S. I was told to delete this Haha.
HAPPY NERD DAY! love Gabe :] P.S. this picture is as rare as bigfoot! He's only recently let us take pictures of him but I couldn't pass this up :]
Party at Jennifer's tonight! So excited and I think some friends are hanging out Saturday so we can hide in bushes and mug innocent childeren! Yay! Love you!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Yo Hobos!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:24 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, My baby bro, Pics
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You!
To my little brother who turned 2 on October 21st! Oh how I love him!
This is the closest thing I have to a baby picture on the laptop
This is his birthday shirt it has a Sasquatch on it!
Grandma gave him a piano that he bangs and screams into the microphone. Yay.
Charlie's lion costume...RAWR!
Megan made some posters for her business day and Charlie wanted to be Frankenstein
P.S. It was also my ancient brothers birthday yesterday and was convientaly hat day at our school so I made him promise to wear this birthday cake hat all day...But that's a later post that has pictures and is also combined with the halloween party at Jennifer's house..I'm going to be a hobo! Stay tuned!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 5:51 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: My baby bro, Pics
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Brothers Brothers Big and Small...
So I haven't really talked about Charlie much lately and feel ashamed so here's some awesomeness about the little family member. [except for maybe Kevin :]]
-The other day my mom yelled "SHOOT!" and Charlie ran over and said in a little voice on the verge of tears "Why you say shoot!?"
-Kathryn was listening to the Hannah Montana CD and when the climb came on Charlie ran over to me covered his ears and started yelling until I turned it off..I've taught him well
-He knows the words to the chorus of Hey soul sister. He'll sing it to you if it's on.
-The girls were playing dollhouse and when they went on vacation I decided to bring Hurricane Ivan into play and shake their house up a little. Charlie decided that looked like fun and ran over and shook it so much it fell over. That's going to be some costly insurance!
-I was doing my hair and Charlie came in wanting me to do his too...So I put a headband in it and he looked in the mirror and said "Oh! How pweety!" :] This is his "monkey" face.
Gotta love him huh?!
Now on to the big brother I have...So today he said he was ditching me Once again for cross country. Only he didn't tell me Jennifer did and I had NO IDEA. So I was more or less mad at him
-DONT TRY THIS! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! He's just so "cute" you wanna smile!
-I wouldn't talk to him in Biology so when we went to water our plants he said "Oops! I'm about to trip!" and pulled me in for a big hug as he "tripped"
-Then everytime I turned around he was there smiling happy as could be to try to make me laugh so I had to turn around staring at the floor and if I could see him in my periphal vision RUN!
-I was calmly doing my combination for my locker when I heard him coming so I put my angry face on and he grabbed me and gave me a hug/chokehold sort of thing cause he WOULDN'T LET GO! then when I said "Get off of me you creep!" he said/sang "But you're my wittle sister!" :[ See why this is impossible?
-In French I was doing pretty good and we had a sub which is MARVELOUS since I'm now planning a vendetta against Jensen and have decided to lock him in a pumpkin like Peter did to his wife.
-Sammy had this brilliant idea to go sit by him. Steven sits behind him and there's an open seat by both of them. I fought Sammy for the one by Steven.
-I said something so Sharpie stole my binder so when he got up to talk to his "new buddy" the sub I stole his binder. He immediatly came for it so I put a death grip on it.
-Yeah. Guess who tried that one in an attempt to get his binder?
-I tried everything! I even curled up in a little ball to get it away from him. I was doing excellent. He even grabbed a little bit of it and pulled up and he just pulled me up along with it. [Buff I know!]
-Then Bernard the dirty traitor [I don't know his english name] distracted me and the evil Jean ValJean prevailed.
-So I stretched out on the ground and took a nap. The end.
-But at lunch he kept giving me a hug and then there was no room at the lunch table so me and Linds went to sit by a loner and he GOT UP AND MOVED [why do we have this affect on people] and I heard Sharpie say something to Erinn so then all the sudden there was a Howerd sitting next to me as close as humanly possible trying to get me to look at him and smile.
-So it worked. What a beast. But we all love him anyway! THE END.
P.S. Jennifer got me obsessed with the song "Waka Waka" by Shakira. Listen to it! It takes a couple listens but trust me I've listened to it 40 times since Friday. It's simply the best!
P.P.S. for diamond time [where you go if you were good and don't have bad grades] we've been watching Toy story 2. We all have characters which makes it even funner...Ready for this?
Sharpie: Woody
Derek: Buzz
Gabe: Zurg
Kevin: Bullseye
Tyler: Other Buzz
Yohammad: Wheezy the penguin who sings a marvelous song at the end
Mckay: Mr. Potato Head
Prospecter: A person we don't speak of here
Wesley: Al who else?
Jennifer: Slinky Dog
Me: Rex the dinosaur [When they escape I won't let go of her butt which made us all laugh really hard]
Jessie: Krysteen [they have the same personality]
Bo Peep: Erinn DUH it would've been weird with anyone else
Clara: Tour Guide Barbie
Aliens: Bruce, Spencer, and Charlie our little brothers
Our favorite part was either when Tyler found out Gabe was his father and then they played catch OR probably when Sharpie came out of the box and did this really weird drunken stupor walk. [Watch the movie you'll get it :]]
Love movie times!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:02 PM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, My baby bro, Pics, Words to live by
Saturday, October 16, 2010
You'll Be In My Heart!
This post is dedicated to the wonderful people whom have chosen to call themselves my siblings [Ok...they didn't really have a choice;]] and what better way than to write about FOOFER PARTYS!!! LOVE THEM!!!
--You know that really scary fire we had a while back? Well that Monday we didn't have school so I chilled at Lindsey's and we had a blast while being stuck inside by ourselves [My mom thought if I went outside I would get asthma *Sound of me rolling my eyes*] Here's some of the highlights:
-We were REALLY hyper and when I get hyper I start talking in Russian accents aparently. So the rest of these are said in Russian accents k? :]
-We decided we wanted peanut butter hot chocolate BUT lindsey only had plain so we threw in a lot of creamer and other stuff and plopped in a spoonful of liquified peanut butter. It actually tasted fine until the floaty parts of peanut butter at the bottom made you wanna gag :]
-This was just a little bit after we went and saw Despicable Me together so we kept quoting it like LIGHTBULB!
-Her dog Olive kept standing on my face so I turned to Lindsey and said "what would you do if I nibbled on Olive's hamstrings? She said it would be fine
-Our word of the day was POLINKA! to be shouted at random times
-Lindsey wanted to do my hair and she's so pro her sister has her do her hair for dances so she worked on my hair, gave up and pulled it up into a pretty intense Deb side ponytail
-We were in a prank calling mood so we called up my cousin Christian and Lindsey told him a bunch of random stuff when he asked who it was we answered "Cute Tyler from mat class" Lindsey told him the wrong class period but I guessed it! He was really creeped out till he hung up we called again and told him who it was :]
-Pictures anyone?
Ok so I don't have any on the computer so here's a candid picture of Howerd and Linds...Sharpie looks stoned but Linds is pretty. It took me forever to figure out his shirt and then they teased me cause I'm "blonde" I told him never to wear it again and then Jennifer said "But isn't it your fave color!?" So he decided he's going to keep it :[ and the newest little sister Squirt!
So this is the first time she's curled her hair this year and this slightly creepy guy in our gym class named Jess ran up to her and said "Just so you know you look GREAT today!" and has since dropped non-subtle hints that he likes her...Wednesday he told her "A bunch of friends and I are going to the District Friday wanna come!?" HAHAHA OH Man.
--A couple of weeks back [I'm getting really bad at this] Derek invited us all to his house to play night games.
-My dad is really paranoid about us "paring up" so there had to be uneven numbers and a girl had to be there before me...THIS TOOK FOREVER! I didn't realize it was so hard to accomadate to parent's wishes!
-After we finally all got around to going the people there were: Derek Gabe Sharpie Me Erinn Lindsey and Jennifer
-I am madly in love with Derek's 6 year old brother Bruce! He's ADORABLE!
-He kept calling Sharpie a comedy wizard!
-He kept protecting me, Linds, and Erinn with a sword and shield!
-So I've decided when it's legal for me to get married I will convince Derek's parents to give Bruce legal parental consent so that I can marry him and not grow up old alone, and with a bazillion cats!
-We decided not to play night games and Derek wanted to go watch Harry Potter #4 and zoomed it to the scary parts so we were all laying on each other on the couch and being scared together!
-I also picked up Lindsey and felt exceptionally buff!
-On the way home it was me Lindsey and Sharpie and we had great fun singing Misery.
--Next comes Lindsey's house! This was way fun and one of the first get togethers with "Cute Tyler" who is just Tyler now that Tyler R. is YOHAMMAD! Here's a bunch of pictures since I don't know what to say other than we listened to lots of music and ran around singing and jumping and swinging and having fun :] The pictures outside are us walking Erinn home but really mosying :]
Can you find Derek in this picture? I promise he's there! Did you know Davy Crockett's middle name was Howerd?
This was the face I got from Jennifer when she had candy and we were listening to a banker talk to us..So we reinacted and invited more people :]
Princess Erinn carried by her faithful servents Tyler and Sharpie
Even princesess have to carry their best redhead friend sometimes;] I think it's pro that Derek had a cup of water and never spilled a drop!
AW PRECIOUS! Tyler, Sharpie, and Erinn.
--Fall festival at my sisters' school with Lindsey!
-They had karaoke and Me and Lindsey went up and sang Nobody's perfect by Hannah Montana but we weren't singing into the mike and were laughing too hard to be heard so towards the end the evil man said "Are you done yet?" and we thought about saying no but we ran away and drank coke on the hill
These were our cotton candys we kept sticking together...After this pic was taken we pulled them apart and the pink one kept most of the blue one's face...We hate cotton candy but there such a cute couple! Check out Lindsey's hand in the background.
Heck yes! Nemo posing with some dude's car :]
-We actually won this one! Not that we would know....We watched maybe 15 minutes of it...
-We sat there for awhile with Katie and Sara who I origianlly came with. But then Sharpie came and we kidnapped Tyler [This is the one who is Yohammad!] and started what I call the AMAZING CULTURE CLAN!
-Tyler is Yohammad from the middle east...he has black man hop
-Sharpie is Chan from China
-Yours truly is Broomhilda from Russia of course!
-We heard rumors that our friend Tiffany was there so we went to find her. We ended up sticking with her Kallyn Gertie and Mckay [who's in my carpool]
-Kallyn and Gertie soon left so it was Me Tiff and a bunch of guys...See? Ok most of those guys are Sharpie's friends that hopped in at the last minute.
-However there's a picture on Facebook that Tiffany took of me Sharpie Yohammad and Mckay plus some random Mexican kids...I'm so confused cause I'm smiling but I pulled faces everytime a camera was out and I don't remember the mexican kids...Hmm??
-We went over to the other side and booed at the other team but Sharpie chose that day to wear his cross country sweatshirt that had our team on it so he got swore at so we Booked it over to the other side where we are loved.
-Me&Yohammad kept shaking little kids hands and introducing ourselves. There were some kids behind a fence so we shook their hands and then noticed there parents behind them looking like they wanted to SHOOT us! they were large too so we ran. Later when we passed them again we put our hoods on and our heads bowed but I think they still noticed us because they looked ticked.
Oh by the way here's Yohammad.
and Paco a.k.a Mckay
At the end of the game we realized we kinda ditched Katie and Sara [to be honest I don't think they noticed] but if we HAD stayed here's what it would've looked like this:
--Now for yesterday. Me and Lindsey and Jennifer were going to go shopping but Beans had to work so it was just me and Linds
-We had to clean my great grandma's and it was really gross cause there was the. shower. Yuck.
-We went to Ross where I was SOO excited because 2 days previous there was a cute dress for $6! But it was gone! I showed Lindsey a picture I took of it and turns out our friend Kimmy bought it the day before. RUDE! :]
-Then at Target as we were discussing it Kimmy showed up. It was really funny I happen to still love her.
-We bummed around but there wasn't really anything.
-We went to Savers and saw this horrible stretchy diamond print thing fabric in a horrible green color with odd black flowers that looked like stains. FOUR DOLLARS PEOPLE! It was nuts
-Then we went home and Jennifer asked if I wanted to come over.
-We watched Sydney White which I loved! The guy was super hot! and the 7 Dorks were all wonderful in their own ways but I loved George the best. [Dopey]
-Then after the movie I still had an hour so Jennifer asked "what do you want to do?" then responding to her own question "Write mean comments about Sharpie's pictures on Facebook?" YEAH! [we're not mean...The meanest we wrote was that he looked kind of like a old man]
Good times Good times. If you don't get it take heart from Sharpie's quote I misunderstood...IF YOU MISS THE BUS DON'T CHASE IT! [I thought it was best but it's bus and I still don't get it but it's fun to tease Sharpie about it :]]] BYE!
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 11:30 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Confusion, Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, Pics, Words to live by
Sunday, October 3, 2010
School Days School Days!
So we're continuing on with FRENCH:
-The other day Mr. Jensen was on a roll and sent 7 kids to think time! 7! That is like one step away from principals office and only cause they LAUGHED! UGH! I didn't talk the ENTIRE class period because he kept staring at me waiting for me to make one wrong move...
-BUT before that Jensen made us move seats! I sit a table away from Sharpie and Sammi by all these kids that swear. But as much as I hate admiting I'm a problem child...I go sit on the floor by them whenever I get the chance.
-We've been playing duck duck goose and since Jensen doesn't talk in french accents he told us a new word...CANARD! It means duck but mean and Sharpie thought it was a insult so now we call each other canards and silly gou...Silly goose :]
-We'll just say that's the end even though it's not cause I can't remember anything else.
4th Period: MATH
-I don't know a solitary soul in this entire class! Well..that's a lie I know Mckaylie so we stick together but other than that it's a bunch of quiet people or the school's delinquents :] Yay.
-I sit next to the Loner with the Chicken sandwhich in this class [See Lunchtime]
-So we were grading tests the other day and we switched with the person next to us and my partner is this kinda quiet kinda short kid so I was just making conversation to get to know more people since Mckaylie is moving to Texas soon :[ and this is how it turned out
Me: You're in 8th grade right?
Him: No. I'm in 9th grade
Me: [Turning red] Oh. Is this your first year here?
Him: Uh No. I've been here all 3 years
*Sound of me looking down at the desk the rest of the day still red
-LOVE this part!
-This is the one part of the day when everyone is together and we have SOO much fun!
-Me&Lindsey get really hyper when we're together and we never fail to laugh hysterically during lunch
-We were talking about who we were going to marry and I saw this REALLY HOT kid with a peach fuzzy moustache who tucked his shirt into his pants and I said "THAT MOUSTACHE KID IS THE ONE I LOVE!"
-Lindsey responded "Great so when you get married all your kids will turn out with moustaches and have the habit to tuck in their shirts before the age of 5..even the girls!
-Then we were picking out a soul mate for Lindsey and I found the Loner with the Chicken Sandwich since he was sitting by himself eating a chicken sandwhich so we sat by him to make him feel better and He Got.Up.and. Left. RUDE! We will have delightful family gatherings in few years :]
-So Jennifer asked me what moustache kid's real name is cause we felt bad labeling. So I walked up to him and said "Hi what's your name?" and he looked at me really weird and said in a suspicious voice "Why do you want to know!?" and then repeated it till I left cause I was angered. Not the best first date :[
-We all have thumb wars on a daily basis cause that's Sharpie and Erinn's favorite thing to do lately.
-Lindsey invented this thing called THE SURPRISE ATTACK! and so she always win cause I never expect the SURPRISE ATTACK! :[
-Gabe's been oober nice lately so the other day I asked him "what's up?" and he said what do ya mean? I replied "well you've been really nice all of the sudden." He asked "Oh I have to have a reason?" and I said yes and then he started talking to this girl named Asa and after she left I said "OH MY GOSH YOU FOUND LOVE!" and he laughed really hard and said "Oh yeah I found love! :]" But I think he was kidding cause now he denies even knowing her.
-After lunch I still give everyone gum at my locker and we have a blast
-We're right across from the boy's bathroom and theres a garbage at the end of the hall before you turn into the bathroom I like to see if I can launch my wrapper into it. I continuously miss and send Sharpie in to throw it away cause ICK. I've already been in there once! [When Gabe pushed me in last year]
-One day Lindsey's like you should see if you can hit some guy in there! So I tried and hit the wall next to the hallway. Nice.
5th Period: GEOGRAPHY
-Oh Mr. Ball! Makes up for Coach Brown...almost
-He always starts class with a joke of the day which are usually pretty funny [the other times I don't get it]
-They're pretty long though so once I get good at updating all the time if I really liked it I'll share it.
-Sharpie's in that class but so is LANDON who says he doesn't hate me he just likes messing with me...So he was somewhat nice but now he's gone back to the whole "Geez! You 2 like each other sort of thing"
-We just handdrew a map of the United States :] I'm pretty proud of myself cause it doesn't look TOO deformed
6th Period: LANGUAGE
-Harman is a really good teacher but she likes us to dwell on very personal stuff while we write
-Like on 9/11 she showed us all these clips and even some of the guys were about to cry.
-On her board she has this thing where you can write what book you're reading. She was helping the kids in the computer lab so we were all screwing around and some people wrote stuff like
"How to go through puberty" by Justin Bieber
"How to sing" by Justin Bieber
"The Revenge of Coach Crawford"
"Your Mom goes to College"
-Mckay is in that class and he's also in my ward/carpool/seminary so I've gotten to know him a lot better and I would almost say we're getting to be friends GASP I know.
-We're writing essays to hopefully win scholarships through some program and Hartman says we win at least 2 places each year. Cross your fingers! 1st place is 1,000! The topic is "The greatest lesson you've ever learned" and I'm not allowed to discuss it anymore till POSSIBLY after the contest is over.
7th Period: SEMINARY
-LOVE LOVE LOVE this class! Here's a few reasons
-Brother Larson is without a doubt THE BEST seminary teacher in the world!
-We learn the same things but get different meanings then in church
-Like when Nephi cuts off Laban's head he is told to do so by the spirit. We were having a lesson on Reverence isn't just for church and we all decided "Nephi cut off Laban's head Revrently!" We were right!
-We walk there and me and Sammi are kinda slow but so is Kody so if he's right behind us we're usually OK. He like's to mosey around the fire hydrants and jump the fences. Oh he's great :]
-I have had to lead the hymn 2 times and both times Mckay laughes at me. So I glare at him and so on :]
-We were talking about True friends and Mckay says "Well I don't know about that Hannah girl
-Then Larson was playing Veggietales and I said "this is my favorite song" apparently Mckay's lost all respect for me.
-So I told his little sister Brooke [Whom I love dearly] to punch him so the next day he wouldn't let me get in the car but his dad said I could cause Mckay deserves it often :]
-Inside jokes on Hannah's binder
-Derek's House and Lindsey's House...FOOFER PARTIES MAKE ME HAPPY
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 8:52 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memories, Middle School, Words to live by