When these kind of things happen to me?
I just got back from girls camp where I met Erin in person for what I'm counting as the first time [she's Sharpie's and now my friend] and Krysteen who I knew last year but didn't really know till camp but that's not where our stories going today..
It all started yesterday when Derek called me yesterday asking if I wanted to hang out. I couldn't because I had a fundraiser/carnival thing to go to with my family [a guy in my ward has cancer] So I invited him to go with me because I haven't seen him in almost a month. Turns out later he couldn't even hang out [of course being Derek] but by then I'd already invited Sharpie so I thought "Great...This will be awkward!" cause I called Katie and she was "too tired" but really I think she was just ditching me.
Jennifer came but she was babysitting the boys she nannies so we only saw her off and on for a little bit.
Eventually Sharpie showed up and brought KRYSTEEN! [I didn't have her number yet so I couldn't ask her] I was SOO excited! Now it wouldn't awkwardly look like we were on a date.
First we went on the "Magic Princess Castle" bounce house. We were having a great time acting like 5 year olds. There was a bounce area then a hill with foam rocks to climb that led to a slide that we had fun launching ourselves at and sliding down the slide on our bellies trying to watch out for the little kids that were actually under 5. Then we went back in the bounce area where there some miscellaneous puddles...Guess who was graceful enough to slip and land on her back? You guessed it...Me! The embarrasing part was I couldn't get up without Sharpie's arm. Then I told Krysteen "Watch out there's a puddle. Oh wait! I mopped it up with my back, you're safe!"
Then my mom told me I had to eat but they weren't hungry so they walked around whilst I tried to cram and entire hamburger down my throat at once. I wasn't hungry though so the only part I enjoyed was my Pepsi.
Sharpie and Krysteen ate cotton candy and then we went to wash our hands. Sis. Hinckley found me and asked if I could watch her baby Zoey for a little bit since she was trying to work the cash register. So we agreed and took her to the field where the bounce houses were, sat down, and started talking about the most random things...and Erinn since it was fun to tease Sharpie about her since he likes her :] This is Her: I have grown to love her too but not as much as Howerd does :]
Linds called me back and then came a little bit later whilst we were still talking. Jennifer chatted a little bit before running after her little demon clients [said in an endearing term as possible] We camoflauged Sharpie's leg in grass
This started the whole "Let's take a picture of this for Erinn and make her think Sharpie's cheating on her" that continued the rest of the night. [They don't date till they're 16 thought so they just like each other. So it's unoffically offically going out according to me&Krysteen :] P.S. the day before I went to camp [Tuesday was just for the 4th years, I'm 3rd] Erinn and Krysteen went and Erinn was leaning against a rope on a bridge while it snapped, she fell 3ish feet and hit her head on a rock and had to get a couple of gross staples.
Zoey wouldn't go near Sharpie It was Really funny! She kept sitting on our laps playing with our phones. She went over and was just about to sit on Sharpie when she noticed who it was, gave him a dirty look, and ran across the circle to my lap. :]
After awhile Krysteen decided it was time to take Zoe back so we walked over there. Her mom was still busy so we took her up some big tall stairs. At the top the railings had a couple of balloons tied to them. Zoey wanted one so Krysteen decided to steal one for her. It was evidently tied in a really good knot cause she ended up just gnawing through the string. However she left incriminating evidence so me&Sharpie told her she was going to get Zoey sent to juvie before she was even 2.
She looks innocent right? [P.S. this is Krysteen not Zoey I forgot to take pictures of her]
Sis. Hinckley was done so I started walking down the big stairs with Zoey. Sharpie thought I was A.] going to trip and/or B.] drop Zoey so he slid down the railing and waited for me at the bottom with his arms wide open touching both railings on either side. So at the end I pretended to throw Zoey and he caught her. She FLIPPED and yelled till he gave her back [P.S. this is just Zoey he's usually pretty good with kids. Charlie loves him!]
They had those sumo suit things so Krysteen BEGGED Sharpie to do it with her. Eventually being him he gave in. But of course he got his hand stuck so I had to help him out. It was hard work cause the lining was blocking the armhole.
After about 2 minutes of fighting Krysteen was on the ground so Sharpie being the gentleman went to help her out and this random kid jumped on his back. Pretty soon he had at least 10 on him so me&Linds helped Krysteen up. :]
Then we went on the last bounce house with Charlie since Sis. Arnold [Jennifer's boss] was in charge and let us cheat and let us all on including Megan for longer than the other kids since no one was in line. We were just jumping when Krysteen chucked her phone at me, and asked her me to take a picture of her jumping into Sharpie's arms bridal style. She jumped beautifully and this was the finishing touch: Watch out Erinn! :]
Then some genius [Probably Krysteen] I should do it too. I can't jump very high and I'm out of practice cause Katie doesn't like me too so the first time I basically tackled him :] Here's the 2nd time I tried: Oops.
After I practiced a couple times just falling on the ground I jumped on Krysteen all cute like
At camp Me&Krysten were telling each other how much we hated guys lately so we pretended to like each other and kept hugging and putting our arms around our shoulders. So this would be our engagement picture if Megan had took it over by where Sharpie was instead of from the side and if I wasn't already married to Jennifer [Long story from long ago]
Then it was time for the final jump [Geez sounds like I'm dying huh?] Beautiful! This kid must be buff if he can pick me up out of the air like I weigh nothing!
Then some other kids came so we had to get out. Lindsey challenged Sharpie to an arm wrestling match
She was so close to winning but check out Sharpie's muscles..There was no way. I lost epically to Krysteen by the way. Then we chilled by the fence and talked and took pictures
Then it was time for me to go :[ So I gave everyone hugs and then one more time cause I missed them so much and we still have 17 days left till school :[ The second time though Sharpie thought it would be funny to lean back so my feet stopped touching the ground, The Jerk!
Then I went home.
Here's some random things I've forgotten to mention:
-Sharpie kept grabbing my elbows cause it made me wiggle cause it feels weird and he thought it was funny
-My phone vibrated and scared me so I screamed which made Sharpie laugh so a little while later he called me just so I'd scream again
-My aunt Jill was across the field taking pictures of us and I didn't know untill Sharpie said "I think that random lady next to your mom is taking pictures of us!" Then he turned and smiled at her all flirtatious [P.S. Jill I need those pictures please!"
-Linds and I gave each other piggybacks
-My young womens leaders stopped by for a second and said hi to us which made Sharpie laugh cause all us FOOFers talk bout him and once at a stake activity they met him offically and shook their hands so he laughed when he recognized my leaders.
Haha that's offically the end! TTFN!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Don't You Wish You Had My Life?
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 4:28 PM
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