Friday, January 15, 2010


So I don't know how many of you watched American Idol on Wednesday but there was an old dude named General Larry Platt who sang his original song called, of course, Pants On the Ground. It made me laugh so hard! Me and Jennifer have decided that if we ever see guys with their "oh so cool baggy pants" around their thighs (trust me it's GROSS/UGLY!) we are going to sing this wonderful song to them:

Pants on the ground, pants on the ground
You lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground
With the gold in the mouth, with your hat turned sideways
Pant hit the ground, call yourself a cool cat, lookin' like a fool
Walkin downtown with your pants on the ground
Get it up, pants on the ground
Lookin' like a fool, walkin' talkin' with your pants on the ground.
Get it up, hey, get your pants off the ground.

Guess what guys? Tomorrow it's my birthday! Yuck! I am going to be so old and wrinkly. Plus I'll probably get a little bit more flabby :)

I don't really have anything much to say but I will tell you about Sharpie's really weird dream. So apparently all of us were zombies except for him and were attacking. the only thing he had to protect himself against the zombies was a dishrag :) So I guess I was by my locker trying to poke his ankle and he would swat my hand with the rag everytime I did. Then it got old and I got up and left :) HAHA it is a relief to know I'm not the only one with the weirdest dreams ever

Now lastly I am going to tell you about some really good books I think you should read (Thanks Jordin for insisting I read them) They're both a couple of stories mixed into one by Elizabeth Chandler. The first one is:
DARK SECRETS #1: LEGACY OF LIES/DON'T TELL: I liked LOL better than DT but they were both really good and had these funky little mysteries that made you think. The characters were really likable and plus there was romance (I like those kind of chick flick books :)
Just finished this one last night and bawled my eyes out through the last 3 chapters but love it all the same. Look for the big book with all 3 of them in it with a rose on it's cover. I didn't realize they were published seperately and the way they ended each book would've drove me nuts! I liked these books better than the other ones and they made me realize Bella is a wimp. I know! finding fault in Twilight!?! never! But yes (these aren't spoilers BTW) in New Moon Edward leaves and Bella just falls apart and sits in depression mode and doesn't talk to anyone about anything for like 4 months. This girl Ivy's boyfriend DIES! (says so on the back cover) and she trys to live a normal life. and then Tristan comes back as her guardian angel from his murderer (who is horrible!)
Ok so that's all...READ THESE BOOKS AND LOVE THEM (don't forget to let me know you read them :) ) and REMEMBER! DON'T LET YOUR PANTS ON THE GROUND :) Bye!