Thursday, September 24, 2009

FHMS Happenings....

So most of these are quotes by this guy in my pod classes named Dillan. I don't really feel like going into detail so don't expect muhc please.
*So we were taking notes on the duties of the president and Mr. Rudel said that and someone in the back of the room started like quietly laughing and was like Heh...he said duties! and so we all started laughing Mr. Rudel then said "in all my 15 years of teaching no one has made fun of duties of the president" PSH
*Later that period Dillan sneezed really loud and weird and Mr. Rudel laughed and said That is the ugliest sneeze I've ever heard! and Dillan replied THAT'S DISCRIMINATION!!! and so that was PSH
*Before that class period two of my starting-to-become-buddies were talking about CSI and were excluding me and my buddy Emma and so Emma turned to me and said we could probably say whatever we wanted and get away with it. So these are some of the random things we said:
M: I am marrying Zac Efron :(
E: I have 48 hours to live
M: I got mowed over by a truck
E: I have cancer
M: I hate chocolate
E: I bit Dillan
M: I am allergic to guys
Then Hailey and Mia turned around and said So what's up with you guys?? :) PSH
*This actually happened in Larson's class and on the powerpoints for notes about adjectives and things like that one of his examples was...All the girls looked at Jacob Black. and there was a picture of him. Larson told us that a guy in his morning class named Adam told him to edit it so he had one about Megan Fox (who it appears all the guys in my school have grown obsessed with over the summer) and Dillan walked in from the bathroom and said "So what are we doing?" and a guy named Ben said "looking at Megan Fox" Then Dillan sat down and said excellent and sounded like Mr. Burns from Simpsons. PSH
I bought both hunger games books from the book fair. If you haven't read them DO IT!!!
That's it...See ya