Christmas was fantastic don't you worry! We got a Wii! That's basically all we've been doing for the past four days. Today is not about Christmas though...It's me deciding to stop being lazy and blog some pictures I've had forever. Okay it was Wednesday but still...
These are just some random pictures I found hiding in my e-mail: Sammy, Sharpie, Derek, and Jennifer :]
Remember that Science assignment I did with Kimmy? With the cranburries? Here's the front cover ;]
Lindsey, Tyler, Sharpie, and Aysa whilst waiting for their food.
We were trying to make a star with our feet but there were so many of us it looked like a Jewish star. HAPPY HANAKAH!
These are from the past couple days. Christmas Eve was soo fun thanks to my 2nd cousin Mallory who happens to be the same age as me :]
We rode Trax up to Temple Square and saw my most favoritist temple ever. Trax was funny cause this old man sat by my mom and kept telling her how amazing technology was and how dependable the trax were. Then one train died so we were put on pause for a little bit. Dependable? Ha! To keep himself busy the old man talked on his flip phone then LICKED IT to get it clean...Gotta love old people!
Wednesday we all decided to get together and went to Tyler Edward's house SO. FUN. You had to be there though, most of the time we just layed on the floor and talked. Yawn! ;] but the other 30 minutes of it we grabbed ping pong paddles and attacked each other with them and pretended to die! Did we act like we were 5? Yes. Did we have the bestest time ever? HECK YES!!! Jennifer and Sharpie being SUPER SNEAKY SPIES! [P.S. Lindsey was the president and official photo taker before I assasinated her :]]
Sharpie ATTACKING Tyler Edward!
VICTORY! Or if Sharpie was still alive and had his paddle over his face it would've been STEALTH MODE where he is invisible :] Force fields, chain link armor, and blunt sides of swords were totally legit too :] Haha.
My Beans still alive!
This is one of Sharpie's many creeper faces.
Just Tyler and Tyler Edward [Plus Sharpie's foot] Working out
WOW can I just tell you how much I love these people!?!
I say picture and you have Sharpie diving on the ping pong table, everyone playing with their popcorn balls, and Tyler Edward closing his eyes...Nice. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM MY FAMILY TO YOURS!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 11:09 AM 0 Comments...
See Also: Current Obsessions, family, FOOFers, friends, Happiness, memes, memories, Pics
Friday, December 17, 2010
IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!! I'm so excited! I usually would say I love December, but it's not been really my month so I'll just wait a week for the most wonderful time of the year :]
Here's the bad news:
-I've missed more school this month than I did all last year.
-I have a cold right now
-On top of the cold I have the worst back pain in the entire world! So I stayed home yesterday
-I've been having a difficult time breathing
-My dad's computer is struggling
but enough with that...I'M STILL SO HAPPY!!!
My friends are pretty much the best! They made it so worth it to come to school today!
Now ladies and gentlemen prepare yourself for The Hillbilly Cranburrie Farmer Story! [The rest of this should be read in a hillbilly accent :]] So it all started when we went to the food bank for a NJHS field trip...Me and Emma were put in the room where we had to make food boxes and we were in charge of the cranberries. I don't know why but we started talking in a hillbilly accent and Jaycie and Kimmy would do the same when they came around to us, and it just grew from there. We talked like hillbillies the rest of the day and soon we had hillbilly nicknames...
-Me: Jimmy C. stands fur Cranburrie
-Emma: Earl Quincy [My brother]
and his kids:
-Jaycie: [Rutie May]
-Kimmy: Cletus O. [Stands fur Oswald]
Then on the bus ride home we were really hyper and Emma told us this long story about when she was named Miss Cranburrie before she decided to take on her inner manliness, and whatnot. We are also in the cranburrie business together.
Then the other day in Science we had to make a cell catelog and Griffin said it would be faster and easier if we had a theme. BOOM! it hit me and Kimmy HILLBILLIES!!! We worked on them for like a week and laughed so hard everyday and looked like fools cause everyone was quiet and angry cause they hated the assignment. NOT US! :] Griffin read it and laughed so hard and said our interpretation wasn't too far off [He used to live in Tennesse or somewhere like that.] I think we're getting an A.
I must now share with you a story about the most amazing man that has stolen both me and my best friend's heart with one day. His name is MATT! :] Haha no let me really tell you what's going on...
Once upon a time a new kid arrived at FHMS. He has pretty eyes I'll admit but he's not as cute as all these girls think he is, and I mean they were all OBSESSED with him FOREVER! Well me and Sharpie thought these fangirls were soo funny [Especially this really crazy girl named Danielle who's in love with him] One day at lunch Sharpie had the following to say about him...
-OH MY GOSH IT'S MATT! I THINK HE LOOKED AT ME! [This is all said in his fake girl voice P.S.]
-How does my hair look?
-He's coming closer! I think he likes me!
Then one day we were walking to our lockers and saw him and Sharpie yells OH MY GOSH! in a hushed tone then like skipped/pranced down the hallway.
Also Sharpie was chewing Skittles once and I said it smelled like fruit and he's like Oh! it's probally Matt's cologne! I asked where'd you get such things? He replied Justice for girls DUH! then when I said that store only sold clothes he decided he got it at bath and body works :]
-I totally played basketball against him the other day and he smelled like fruit! [Just kidding I'm not that creepy I just told Sharpie that's what he smelled like]
-Matt turned out to be in my math class and so I RAN to lunch and yelled "Sharpie! Guess who's in my class?!" He gasped and guessed Matt then when I said yes he was soo jealous!
Whilst I was at Jennifer's house I recieved the following text from my dear older brother:
-Mat is at MY ward party!!! :D I can't believe this! I wish I could talk to him! He is too cool and hot for me though! :[ oh I can't believe this AHHH! ;D
Aftermath: Matt has turned out to have the BIGGEST ego and he lost all his fans within the first 2 days [except for me and Sharpie] He thinks he's the best at everything and has been heard to say "Sometimes I hate being so hot because all these ugly girls here stalk me...Yeah. Bye Matt..
Now for the random tidbits that make up my life [Though most of them I've forgotten so there's not a lot]
-We read this book called Anthem for Hartman's class and had to write a paper full of these questions like "What was your favorite part? Sharpie didn't know so he asked me "Hannah what was my favorite part of Anthem?" I told him it was where his girlfriend follows him into the wilderness. He rolled his eyes then thought about it and wrote on his paper "My favorite part was when he found true love in the end, I started tearing up when he started to like her but then when she told him she loved him I couldn't help myself and started to break down balling. it was so touching! Hartman better apreciate this paragraph
-While we were working on this masterpiece we were in French with this sub who said absolutely no talking. Well me and Sharpie and Sammi rebelled and were whispering the entire class period and she glared at me when I started cracking up when Sharpie was done.
-I drove 4 blocks the other day and didn't even die! And they said it couldn't be done...
-Me and Lindsey are going to be Voldemort and Harry Potter for Halloween if I haven't already said and I think we're going to try to get everyone in on it as well
-Grandma and Grandpa took us to Hale Centre Theatres Christmas Carol and it was soo good! I loved it!
-Just Tyler and Gabe this morning were chasing each other down the hallway pulling kung fu moves and karate kicks and tackling each other, it was so funny to watch! Sharpie recorded some of it.
-I learned a new word for first time in like 5 months in French the other day, the word is PEPITE which means nugget which is my favorite word in the english language pretty much
-In Science we had a sub so I went and sat by Sharpie and Tyler Edward and we had so much fun talking, but didn't get much work done. Sharpie stole my colored pencils and tried to pass off Tyler Edward did it, then he was trying to sneakily put them back but dropped them and they spilled all over the floor Then he put them under my binder but I thought he put them in his so when the bell rang I was like "I wonder where my colored pencils are" and picked my binder up and was actually surprised and said "woah that's new!"
That's just a small whack on the pinata of my life but that's all I can remember at this current time so this is where I say Adios nuggets! :]
Yelled Crazily by Hannah :] at 3:31 PM 0 Comments...