Monday, August 22, 2011

Whistle Whilst You Work.

So I have a job :] Its been watching Charlie everyday alllllll summer :] Hard? ya...Long? Of course infuriating? sometimes Fun? H YEAH! [Haha I'm not swearing. its a herriman thing :]]
But here's our photo shoot from today :]

and other random pictures....

Charlie took both of these :]

He is the craziest little stink I have ever met

He likes to climb in laundry baskets and force me to take a picture of him

He likes to go to the fair and feed the goats..well...kinda

He likes to look awesome

He likes to run around all day and then get ice cream...but he's so tired he literally falls asleep with his spoon clenched in his mouth

He likes to steal his shirt and diaper from me so he can imitate George Washington

He likes to demand that he is allowed to wear these goggles...and then is angered when we won't let him wear them into arbys...

Aaand once again to the laundry basket

This little boy is also OBSESSED with Tyler Edward! Ever since Tyler let him push him off the playground a couple thousand times he's fallen in love. [Though most likely the brotherly kind]
-The other day we were driving to my grandma's [we have to pass his road] and Charlie looks at it...looks at me...and says "We fogots Ty er!" [That's how he talks] and yells "MOM! STOP! GO BACK! WE HA TO GET TY ER! haha
-He plays "bay baw yike Ty er"
-When I ask who his best friend is...tis not me...tis MY best friend "Ty er"
This may be a problem :] Except Tyler loves him too and while he's been in California he sent me a text asking how I was and such and threw on a how's Charlie? Haha gotta love my brothers :]

Other Summer with charlie tidbits:
-We get ice cream with Katie a lot :]
-The last time we went we restrraunt hopped from shakes and iceberg to large cokes at mcdonalds...We got Charlie a large orange soda drink and he finished it by the time we were home and wanted mine.
-We were walking somewhere and this little old lady watering her flowers stops and goes "Oh you have the cutest baby! You and your husband must be so proud!" I looked at her for a second then said "Umm ma'm? I'm 15 and this is my little brother"....awkward for everyone involved.

So even though I hate summer and spending all my time with him isn't always the best...I sure do love my Charles!

p.s. I don't know how to whistle....