Thursday, June 16, 2011


BAHAHAHA I LOVE THIS PLACE! I am soo moving there as soon as I get myself married off...I also just bought an adorable goldfish that I named Vegas just this morning [PLEASE don't let him die!] So here's what was up [in a random order]

1. we stayed at my uncle Jeff and Aunt Melinda's gorgeous house
2. we rented Justin Bieber's movie and holy cow! If I just thought he was cute well at this moment I'm in love with him! Best, cutest, feel-good movie ever!
3. We visited the Hoover dam where Jeff made comments such as
Talking about "how the aliens made the 7th wonder of the world: Stonehenge" and giving us an in depth discussion
Standing by the monument of those killed in the making of the Hoover Dam "To those who are cemented beneath us"
"Thanks be for our alien friends from above for their contribution to the making of the 8th wonder of the world: Hoover dam
4. Check out these BEAUTIFUL apartments...I'm in love!
5. The new bridge over the dam is SOOO windy I got blown over backwards! Ah! terrifying!
6. We went to Springs Reserve which is one of the coolest places in Vegas I think
6. Also? Chuck E. Cheese is one of the funnest places on Earth!
6. We went to the park and I worked on my tan [UPDATE: I'm tan but still so white! Why won't Utah be warm!?]
7. We ate so much good food there! Jeff made some kind of meat [I'm blanking on the name] on his charcoal grill that was sublime!
8. We also swam about 24 over the 3 days we were there :]

Even though this is only like a tenth of the fantastic time we had there! It was sooo fun! Thank you Sorensons and THNK YOU VEGAS! I'LL BE BACK SOON!

PS. The pictures prove how bored we were on the way home eh?