Thursday, June 16, 2011


Wow I'm really behind and terribly mixed up! Before Vegas came the greatest fun on Earth in Utah...LAGOON!

It seems as though everytime we all have to find a bus we end up not getting on one in time and we're stuck with like 10 other kids for 45 minutes waiting for a bus to come...

But come it did and we had fun! Me, Jennifer, Emma, Derek, Dion, Cierra, Brysan, and Sean played truth or dare :]


white roller coaster which is my favorite..Scary but just enough so you get off of it tingling!

Wild mouse a.k.a. that wild mouse taught me a lesson I'll never forget! remember? Well Derek and I went together and it was so fun like always except Derek moved the bar and it was too loose for me so on the last hill I slipped under the restraint and Derek had to hoist me up by the armpits and give me a lecture about how it's not safe for me to be able to do that...Haha

Terror Ride Haunted House. So me and Aysa were so nervous! We don't like haunted houses but our friends dragged us in line. Gabe went with Aysa and was SOO cute to her! He kept hugging her and reassuring her it was just fake but then the ride car came around and the kids had already gotten out so he scared her so bad by saying :WHERE'D THE KIDS GO!?" So funny! But Aysa was fine. I rode with Jennifer and Kevin and shut my eyes the whole time cause Kevin was scaring me enough to not make me open them! :]

Rattlesnake Rapids was my favorite part! We waited in the LONGEST line me Jennifer Kevin and Everett but it was totally worth it! I had a grand time! We got soaked! Especially the part where you can pay to squirt people and I was looking at it and got a squirt right to the face!

Colossus...TERRIFYING but I spent the entire time convincing myself I was going to go! [I usually don't like roller coasters but loved all the ones we originally went on] so I just went for it. I was scared of the loops but actually what got me was the first uphill part that was really high which freaked me out!

Fountain you pass over on the chair lift I went tons of times on this and it was the only time I ever saw Tyler who was with his girlfriend Ashlee the whole time. It kept stopping though which is no bueno for someone afraid of heights...

Bombora which is their new roller coaster that was so fun! but short!

Then we went on a bunch of other rides, bought a coke, and went home. Well we tried to but some of my thug friends almost didn't make it on the bus in time. We were literally pulling out of the parking lot! So erinn and Sharpie Dion Me Gabe and Aysa all squished onto the back two seats. Ow.

Gabe and Aysa on the way home...AW! look how cute they are!
Our little chef Gabriel brought some caramel popcorn onto the bus and we had a good time eating it
We also had him prankcall people sitting on the same bus as us just to see their reactions. Haha they had no idea
Sharpie and Erinn licked my elbow when I wasn't looking! ew and ah!
I love our familys group hugs. Hands down my favorite thing in the world!

Lagoon was a success I feel! I actually went on every roller coaster except Jetstar cause the line was long and the spider cause the line was long and we went on rapids instead. SO FUN! GO THERE! you know you wanna!

I'm going to miss my Beans! I won't see her a whole lot this summer. BEANS I LOVE YOU!

Me and Beans