Monday, August 30, 2010

Can You Say PARTAY!?!?

So first things first SHARPIE'S HOUSE! [or FOOFer party #3 depending on how you look at it]
-We originally planned to go to Sharpie's then the beach then I would leave early
-My grandma volunteered to watch Charlie so I could go earlier with the rest of my friends and so she took me over there...We had to get Lindsey, Then Kevin, then found Gabe lingering at Kevin's so we had to bring him too...It was like a clown car!
-We were the first ones there and we met Sharpie at the park by the Cove where he lives.
-Jennifer came a little bit after us and then there was Derek we were waiting for [Of Course. ;]]
-We sat there talking FOREVER and then Sharpie ran to his house to get a volleyball
-It was Sharpie, Jennifer, and Kevin against Me, Linds, and Gabe [We totally won...Wink Wink]
-Then it started sprinkling we kept playing cause we were STILL waiting for Derek. THEN IT STARTED POURING LIKE 2012!!!! IT WAS INSANE! Plus Sharpie lives CLEAR up the cove so we walked fast. Till we realized we were soaked anyway so me and Lindsey made a point to jump in every puddle we passed. Eventually Sharpie's mom showed up :] YAY!
-First Sharpie took us on a tour of his HUGE superclean house [It was like touring a model home except there were pictures of your big brother everywhere...They were fun to look out. He was a cute kid]
-His room is completly decked out in BYU complete with Blue tan and white walls and a BYU vinyl logo..Haha! I'm offically redoing my room!
-We decided to work on our movie list and watch Sharpie's favorite movie of all time: REMEMBER THE TITANS! We kept getting distracted though so Sharpie says I have to watch it with him again until I can sit through the whole thing :[
-Gabe was rummaging in the closet when he came across a bell..Gabe+a bell=ANNOYING! So of course me Lindsey and Sharpie take off after him. We eventually got it away from him but in the process somehow me and Linds cut our fingers on the roundish bell [?] We didn't even notice..Sharpie noticed Lindsey's then Mine. We still have no idea how this happened.
-Right after this Gabe coincedently had to go home :[
-Sharpie has a sport court underneath his basement and so we went down there for awhile and shot hoops and lounged around [me&Lindsey were more fascinated with sitting on the ground and making wet butt marks :]]
-Kevin found some Nerf guns and he and Sharpie had a war with Sharpie hiding behind the window in the basement [See last post] to Kevin shooting him.
-Then we hid from Sharpie cause he went upstairs to get some food. We all hid in one little corner when POW! a flash of red hair comes and hugs me...Confused? So was I! Turns out it was DEREK!
-Then Sharpie found us and we were messing around in his cold storage which is pitch black and formed in an L shape. Perfect for Sharpie to come around and repeatedly scare the crap out of me and Lindsey!!!
-Then Sharpie had to show Derek [the Ute fan] his room. Derek didn't want to see so Howerd simply takes Derek and Chucks him over his shoulder..Derek's face. Priceless.
-We went back upstairs for a minute cause Erinn came! Then we ate some lunch and I had to leave [Though Sharpie offered to hide me in the cupboard under his island that I could definatly lay down in.]
-Off to the wedding planners which I already said was not worth leaving so that's about all I have to say on the manner :[