Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh the Experiences you have in science class...

So this could also be titled "Once again dedicated to my guy friends" except that only three of the 5 guy friends I have weren't present. Today we got to do a popcorn lab where we tried to see if popcorn kernels soaked in water popped bigger than normal ones. Then after that we got to eat the popcorn. Our teams tasted kind of weird cause Kasey burned it but it was still yummy. We still had like 10 minutes after that so the whole class vegged out eating popcorn and talking to our friends. That was the best part of my whole entire day. Plus Kasey kept us entertained by singing his "little Markus" song and his new favorite the "square butt song" I'll have to ask him one of these days if I can use the lyrics and share them with you guys. There pretty funny. Oh yeah and now I remember what I was going to tell you in the first place. Gabe has some sayings he would like to be shared.
The first one is:
Some people may say that the early bird catches the worm but I like to say the 2nd mouse gets the cheese. Get it? It took me at least a minute.
The 2nd one is:
I'm so cool icebergs are jealous.
And now since of course it is Gabe we must conclude this post with a racist joke. I hope you guys are not offended but Gabe wanted to share it and it is pretty funny. DO NOT READ IF YOU GET OFFENDED BY RACIST JOKES!!!!
Ya know what Gabe, I just typed the whole thing out and decided it was too racist to blog about so if you want to hear it just ask me some other time.
Now we better blog about something my other 3 guy buddies have been up to or they will be sad so here it goes:
Kevin continuously has been sneaking up behind me at lunch and jumpstarting me or tapping my shoulder when I least expect it making me scream. Yeah he gets a kick out of that :)
Mark has been being a good little boy and going straight to Math to avoid tardys so I don't talk to him as much now.
And McKay...Hmm...Oh yeah today me and him were on Dr. Phil (I think I have mentioned it before but in case you forgot in art we play dr. phil which is kasey who sometimes takes the time to color a piece of tape and use it as a moustache.) K well anyway all my girlie friends I love you too! See ya guys!