Monday, April 13, 2009

In A Minute...

I don't remember where I heard this but I thought it was cute!
*In a minute, a goldfish loses his memory twenty times.
In a minute, twenty people are born.
In a minute, eight people die.
In a minute, five people become a US citizen.
In a minute, I can fall in love.

So I guess I need to put a lot more macho stuff on here huh? Cause I kind of have had a lot of girlie stuff on here so I will try to think of some stuff to do. Like hey did you see wrestling last night and everyone was beating each other up? :) Jk maybe I will just post random stuff on here as usual. Speaking of which my mom took me and Lindsey to the district today and we had fun. We went to Jamba Juice which was pretty dang delicious and we went to Ross and while my mom tried on clothes me and Lindsey put on random dresses and modeled them and most were hideous :) We also went to Pet Co and looked at the animals and Aeropostale which was a really dumb idea cause we saw a lot of cute clothes and both of us had pretty much zilch money. Oh and we went to Hobby Lobby but the only thing we bought was candy :) See ya later!