Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mr. Winkle

So I didn't write this on because I was worried that it wouldn't fit, so I am writing it now. My friend Kaiti B. was saying, "Tinkle Tinkle lil star but please not on my head." and so I don't remember what they said but the boys said something about Tinkle and then Emma said something so I raised my hand to tell my teacher something and so I said,"Hey Mr. Winkle..." then I stopped mid-sentance because I was laughing too hard over my mistake. It was SO FUNNY! Also I am rainbow track which means some kids in all tracks are in my class and it was A track's last day (I am C) and my friend Megan brought her camera and she was taking pictures all day. Mr. Welcker and the class were reading a story called Into The Green *Heck, and he was warning us it was kind of a gross book and Megan took a pic of him while he was talking and in the picture he is pulling a gross face. It is an awesome picture I am going to see if I can get Megan to e-mail it to me so I can put it on here but you will just have to make do with this picture that has already been on here before.