Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dear _________ Please _____________

I don't know if you've checked this out.....The website called totally found it by accident but it's SOOOO funny!
Here's some samples to get you excited...

Dear Fork, I understand that we haven't spoken since I ran away with dish, but I thought you should know that you have a son. His name is spork. He has your hair.
Sincerely, Spoon

Dear Cat, Sorry for hoisting you into the air whenever 'The Circle of Life' plays.
Sincerely, a Lion King enthusiast

Dear Americans, We totally agree with you about illegal immigration. Please allow us to show you to the nearest airport. Sincerely, Native Americans

Dear Justin Bieber, Roses are red, violets are blue. If I had a water bottle, I'd throw it at you. Sincerely, anonymous

Dear parents,Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinnochio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party.
Sincerely, it's not our fault, it's how you raised us

Dear Rubik's Cube, Done! Sincerely, Colorblind

Dear Miley, Wow, this is awkward. You weren't invited... Sincerely, The USA

Dear Waldo, Could I interest you in becoming a Horcrux? Sincerely, Lord Voldemort
Saturday we went to Derek's to celebrate the random return of Tyler Barnyard and watch Harry Potter 7 part 2....Difficult when Dalan starts spouting funny things and all the tender tearjerking parts are only tearful cause your laughing so hard you cant breathe...Like
Malfoy and Voldemort's SUPER awkward hug [Like me and Gabe]
All the comments about Ron's physique
Awkard smooches
Gack! Swalled Voldemort! [Voldemort's death resulting in "old man flakies"]
And so much more :]

Love funny things :] Got anything?