Friday, June 4, 2010

Okay I lied...Yesterday was the BEST day.

But first here are some pictures Emma just sent me of French class:

and I've spent some time on Youtube today and here are my favorite videos you should probably watch These shall make your day GUARANTEED! Here ya go!
-Your love is my drug with Jack Sparrow
-Scout Rap-Thirty 100 [Tik Tok Parody]
-The Sneezing Baby Panda
-Charlie bit me
-Sean Kingston & Justin Bieber - Eenie Meenie PARODY MUSIC VIDEO
-Granny hits car
-A little kid trying to say blood
-What are you going to do to the monster? [She says ask don't worry]
-David after the dentist
-Fred on Valentine's Day
-Fred goes swimming
-Twilight Trailer spoof
-SMOKERMAN! [gabe was him for superhero day last year ;]]
-Miss Capucine (once upon a time) [French video]
Anywho...yesterday was the SECOND ANNUAL FOOFer PARTY!!! This time was at Jennifer's house but the exact same people were able to show up. Here are some highlights:
-Sharpie couldn't find it so we walked over together and just about beat Jennifer there coming home from work.
-Katie and Sara walked over
-Lindsey got to the circle and then called me to make sure she had the right house. I told her I could see her out the window and so she started walking to the door and said this is the right house? and I said NO! Where are you going that's the wrong house! so she stops and looks around. It was hilarious and then she was mad at me because we were all laughing when she walked in :] LOVE YA LINDS!
-For the 1st little bit while we were waiting for Derek we had Sara and Katie sign our yearbooks
-Sharpie was kinda ticked he was the only guy [again] so we called Derek and no one answered. Which is basically what happened last time...Derek doesn't answer, he calls us and says he's gonna be late, then gets lost. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!?!
-We started watching Forever Strong which is on the list and it was kinda dumb and horribly depressing except we were all characters and I was the stupid girl that fell out of the car in the beginning
-Since I was sick I didn't really feel like eating and I just ate a huge bowl of soup before I came to make sure I could keep food down.
-Sharpie was determined that it was ladies first. Including me. So he told me if I wouldn't eat he wouldn't eat. So after much threatening I grabbed an apple. So he said MORE THAN ONE ITEM HANNAH ELIZABETH so I grabbed a solitary chip :] Then he got his food.
-We ate a little bit then ran over to the tramp!
-Jennifer's dad dug a huge hole and put the tramp in and then he packed piles of dirt around it with carpet over it to hold it in place and then you jump from the piles of dirt onto the tramp.
-Sharpie was being all extreme and doing flips and bouncing all of us and it was just a bunch of chaos of us all jumping and laughing and singing obknoxiously to the radio playing and it was fun
-Then we decided we should most likely go finish the movie so we did and I almost started bawling
-Derek showed up and so there were 2 guys
-P.S. We decided Kasey's new name is Lars because of the movie and I think it's an amazing viking name
-Then we were drawn back to the tramp and Derek kept jumping on Sharpies back and I swear it's a miracle the two of them didn't kill themselves
-We were playing ring around the rosies and we all had each others hands and Sharpie was jumping as high as he could which made my arm do the wave :]
-Then he jumped from the high hill onto the tramp and landed wrong and most likely would've died if I hadn't caught his stomach before he face planted into the springs :0
-Then we had a huge bonfire and lit all of these papers from throughout the year on fire
-We had a bunch of misalaneous chairs out there and Sharpie, Jennifer, and Sara were on a couch that we had to keep scooting because the fire was HUGE and BURNING HOT!
-So Jennifer's dad said "Hey Sharpie...we should move closer" [because we were going to make smores] so Sharpie decided to be a smart alec and said "well if you insist" and scooted closer to Jennifer :] haha
-Then we ate delicious smores and reminisced memories of our family :]
-Then at 10:30 Sharpie asked for the time and said good by and started leaving so we all started freaking out cause we thought he was going to walk at least 3 miles in the dark. But then he rolled his eyes and said Um...My mom's in the driveway. Oh.
-Then we all walked home and me and Lindsey talked until her mom came.
Oh Man...Even when we are just sitting there talking I swear we have a funner time then you ever have in your life! THANKS FOOFers! I'm taking you up on the offer to call everyday this summer to hang out :] LOVE YOU!