Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day! From me and all my other French speaking Pals!

So we made Valentine's cards in French class today! It was sooo much fun because using a paper of Valentine's words in French we had to write a message on it and give it to someone. Here is mine for Jennifer:
Cherie Isabelle Marie
Je suis tombee amoureuxse de toi
Veux-tu m'epouser?
Je t'offre des bijoux.
Tu es mon choux et ma puce
Je t'embrasse
This can all be translated to:
Dear Jennifer
I have fallen in love with you
Will you marry me?
I offer jewelry
You are my sweetie (literal translation:my cabbage)
and my honey (literal translation: my flea)
XOXO (literally I embrace you)
Here is Sharpies that he plans on giving to John Running :) Haha just kidding!
Chere Cherie
Je t'aime
Tu es mon choux
Tu es ma puce
XOXO du fond de mon coeur
Jean Valjean
Or translated to...
Dear Sweetheart
I love you
You are my sweetie (cabbage)
You are my honey (flea)
Literally I embrace you From the bottom of my heart
Sharpie Mckay Howerd Allan Arizona Sharp Knife
So there you go! Hope these were entertaining!
Here's some more French words:
Donne-moi un bisou-Give me a kiss
Non! Laisse-moi tranquille!-Leave me alone!
Vas t'en de moi!-Go away!
Je t'offre-I offer you..
un cadeau-a gift
des fleurs-flowers
des bonbons-candy
des chocolats-chocolate
un petit ami-boyfriend :)
un petite amie-girlfriend
un ami-guy friend
une amie-girlie friend

Oh and you know that whole pulling off flower petals to see if a guy likes you? Well in France you have a better chance...Here's the poem.
Il (Elle) m'aime...un peu...beacoup...passionnement...a la folie...pas de tout!
Which means
He (or she) loves me...a little...a lot...passionately...madly...not at all!

So guys use this french knowledge to impress the girls and girls pass it on to guys and have a great valentine's day/SINGLE AWARENESS DAY! which I am celebrating! Plus wait till Sunday or Monday when I can blog about going to my first stake dance! WOOHOO! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! SEE YA!