Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Mexico Post is Hopefully Coming Tomorrow

But today I am going to post about my very tall wedges (pic also coming tomorrow) that I bought for 5 bucks in Colorado when we had a flat tire on the way home (ya flat tire on the way to New Mexico again) but they are super cute but they are so freakin hard for me to walk in and I grow like 5 inches. It wasw way funny cause I went up to Gabe and I was taller than him finally! :) But then he stood on a table and patted my head and said Nice Try Oompa Loompa :) But plus Mckay (whom I now call Sharpie for forever and always) still has like a foot on me even with my humongo shoes. So anyway tonight was the night of finales: I am currently watching Dancing With the Stars. I am hoping that Melissa Rycroft wins. But DWTS really isn't really happy until American Idol is over and I can really get into it without stressing about Tuesdays. Wait AMERICAN IDOL!!!! I freaking hate Adam with a passion cause he's so stuck up and the judges are practiacllay shoutin in our faces VOTE FOR HIM that could be why I'm being a rebel and saying VOTE FOR KRIS ALLEN HE'S FREAKIN DOWN 2 EARTH HE SINGS WONDERFUL and he's kinda cute :P But yeah I have already voted 4 times HAHA None for Adam. K so yeah vote for Kris that's it. Tata